This was it. finally, after all that work and hardships I had gone through, all the teasing and bullying had finally paid off. I was where nobody thought I would be.
The beautiful set lights glimmering down on me making every part of me glisten in the light, my clear skin glistening like gold. Green eyes illuminate the room. "I am the female lead.." I whispered under a breath.
The loud noise of a microphone tuning rang in my ears "Alright, everyone get in your places, we start filming in 5"
A smile appeared on my face as I went into place but just as I began to speak a rattling noise echoed from above me.
I look up just in time to see the film's light fixture falling towards me, letting out a gasp before everything went black.
What is this... Where am I?
It felt as if water was seeping into my lungs, I tried opening my eyes but they were screwed shut.
I forced a breath, doing so caused a blinding light. It hurt so badly I burst into tears. But this time I felt the tears fall. But then I heard the softest voice a voice that made me stop crying and finally open my eyes.
Where the hell am I?!
Alright, It took a while to adjust but I slowly came to the realization that something must have happened to me at the film shoot and I was... reborn inside the script and into a baby's body.
The last thing I remember is being hit on the head by an object. But it could be possible that I was hit on my head and I'm now in some sort of coma?
Let's be real there's no such thing as rebirth right? And if I was reborn why do I still remember my past???
But after assessing the situation fully the life or dream I'm currently in resembles that of the world in the script I was reading for the film. But the female lead's name was Lucia, right? So why do people keep calling me sovvia?
Wait a minute.
Wasnt Sovvia the name of the villainess? The one who at the end of the story suffers a terrible fate in all endings that the scriptwriter came up with? at the hands of her father, brother, AND the male lead?!
Don't tell me.. am I the villainess??
Alright before we panic let's rehash the story from memory, maybe there's a way out of this maybe I'm not the villainess after all. It could just be one whole misunderstanding
After the emperor's wife died he met a nymph, she was kind and beautiful. The love between the emperor and Miranda was purely for show. Whilst he truly loved this nymph and spent any time he could with her, watching her dance and sing. But they were not able to be together for she was still a commoner and a magical creature on top of that.
However, their meetings eventually got pregnant with an illegitimate child who no one but the emperor and maids who had been sworn to secrecy knew about. However, even though the child was unknown, the secrets of the emperor's supposed 'affair' had reached certain public ears due to his one and only twin brother who was doing everything he could to take the throne. Luckily the rumors were snuffed out before getting to a larger audience. But because of this, it caused the emperor to execute his twin brother.
This led to the villainess being treated terribly. Being forced to live in a tower for most of her childhood before the age of 10. But before that, the maids who worked for her were constantly abusing and belittling Sovvia when they thought she couldn't hear. Her maids always stole from her any little souvenir the emperor no longer needed for his legitimate children he would send for her. This led to the villainess becoming bitter and filled with hatred.
Once finally brought to the main castle she was introduced to her half-siblings.
Julius Oraylea the current emperor and Sovvia's father who up until this point she had no idea who he was or that he was the emperor (and learning this fact only made her angrier). Sovvia's older brother Crown prince Leopold. And of course, the female lead Lucia who after her debut at age 14 became the treasure of the kingdom loved by all who looked into her ocean blue eyes.
However, Sovvia became more bitter and angry overtime for her poor upbringing whilst her siblings lived in luxury. She once lashed out at Lucia, causing a great uproar and making people despise her more. But no matter what Sovvia did, she never got the love and attention that she so craved from her 'family'.
Eventually, over time Lucia caught the heart of many bachelors (Of course she did) including the male lead Sorren GodsWind son of Victor GodsWind; a high-ranking duke in the kingdom. In which she married him. But before their marriage, Sovvia was accused of attempting to poison the emperor and Lucia. When the emperor, a man who has experienced many association attempts in his life recognized the scent of poison in the tea.
And since Sovvia was the one who poured the tea she was unfairly charged with treason against the royal family; including tampering with the wedding arrangement documents for Lucia and Sorren(Which she never actually did) but also her resentment towards Lucia came to light. Which made the public more suspicious of Sovvia now that they had a possible motive of jealousy. Without a fair trial, all of this led to Sovvia's inevitable death at the hands of her own father's blade.
Sweat immediately ran down my tiny face as I recalled the events of the script, if I truly am Sovvia doesn't that mean ill suffer the same horrific fate as Sovvia from the script?? Not to mention the fact that Sovvia's older brother Leopold was a complete and utter ass and would constantly ignore or purposefully try and rile up Sovvia to get a reaction.
Sovvia was hated before she even had her debut
It was ridiculous!
A scandal!
Yes, Sovvia tormented Lucia but it never went further than pitiful and childish bullying. Not something worth the death penalty! Overdramatic much? But anyway, whether this is a dream or a new life. I won't die. Because before this, I was the female lead.