As of recently things have been very hectic around the palace, I have recently had my 12th birthday, I'm still recounting the events of my first debut, I had expected it to be less chaotic compared to Yuno's debut however I was wrong.
The entire event had gone well, as many of the higher-class nobles had already heard of me due to my surprise birthday; Which was only attended by the 4 houses with certain exception. And from what I have seen in aristocratic society word spreads quickly. However, towards the end, when Lucia and Leopold returned to once again announced that they were the children of the emperor. This time they had brought their butler who used to be in the service of the emperor himself before his disappearance.
I expected father to have a similar reaction as before but this time he seemed more intrigued in them, However I felt something off about his expression, Something dark. Darker than usual. He seemed... Amused?
I remember vaguely what he said "I will consider the idea that you are my children, but don't get too comfortable". From then on, he allowed them to live in the main palace and things changed rapidly.
The is now a clear divide between the servants; the ones who are loyal to Lucia and those who are loyal to me. To be fair, when Lucia first entered, she made sure to be as kind to the servants as possible. And would constantly try to berate me for how I treated my servants as 'less than human'. A clear attempt to make me seem like the bad guy. I have had a suspicion lately that maybe Lucia isn't what she seems.
Not to mention her behavior towards Sorren is nothing as described in the novel, she seems more obsessive and possessive if that makes any sense. She constantly tries to monopolies her time with him. Even going as far to make up lies that 'I'm too busy' to meet with him.
Speaking of which, I have yet to be able to see much of Leopold or Yuno because they are already attending the academy. Me and Lucia are to attend the academy soon with their semester opening in a few weeks. It's mandatory for anyone of noble status to attend for at least a year and if they please they are allowed to continue their studies later.
From what I recall Sovvia through a fit when she found out she had to attend the academy. This foolish decision of hers is what allowed Lucia to have much private time with Yuno and Leopold in the original Novel, with no wicked villainess to disturb them she was able to peacefully build upon relationships with them all. Luckily for them I'm not the original Sovvia so I will be attending the magic academy, mainly for Yuno and to improve my magic just in case I get wrongfully condemned; I'll have some sort of escape. As much as I hate to admit it, I truly do miss Yuno so it wouldn't hurt to see him occasionally especially since both him and Leopold have decided to take on extra terms in the academy rather than the standard one.
They will be graduating the academy after next terms leave, Which jeans ill only must take one year of the academy and I can leave with Yuno! But I'm 100% Not excited about that.
Just as I was just finishing of writing I heard a loud knock on the door and before I had a chance to answer an extremely angry butler burst in "Your highness Sovvia! I understand you may still be getting used to Miss Lucia but this behaviour is unacceptable"
Low and behold a teary Lucia entered the room behind him. Here we go again.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" I deadpanned the butler just looked more angered by my words "Do not play dumb! Multiple house cleaners said you broke into miss Lucia's bedroom and made a mess of her luggage" He began pointing at me.
Continuing his accusatory rant, I had finally about enough. As maids and other housekeepers stopped to stare at what all the commotion was about. But before I could say anything Kane entered the room. Standing behind the butler with crossed arms "Is there an issue?"
It was clear the butler was surprised by Kane's sudden visit. "Never mind, it's just a petty dispute!"
Lucia clearly looked offended by this "It is no petty dispute!" Lucia yelled and for the first time the butler gave her a dirty look saying something on the lines of 'stop talking'. Luckily, Lucia isn't as dumb as she seems and instantly stopped talking. Me and Kane both raised our eyebrows at them giving a knowing look. Realizing the tension could attract the infamous emperor they both scurried off.
"Do you mind telling me what that was about?" Kane asked now, turning to me. I look up at him with a saddened expression "I honestly have no idea, every day they come in with a different attempt at framing me with something." Kane looked kind of shocked.
"I never expected someone like Lucia would have that kind of side to her, do you wish for me to exterminate her or inform his majesty?" He began to lift his sword from the hilt but I shot down the idea instantly.
"I'd prefer to just ignore her, I'm pretty sure they are trying to get a reaction out of me" He nodded understandingly.
The family bell began ringing showing that dinner was about to begin, "Is father going to be there?" I asked intently
"No, the emperor said he would be waiting for you in the garden" I smiled. At least father wasn't being swayed by her obvious façade. I began to walk down the halls towards the garden, Kane following closely behind.
Entering the garden I marvelled at the scenery, taking it in one last time before my soon and inevitable departure. Entering the one place Lucia and Leopold could not. A place for just me and father
As I turned past the hedge, I found father sitting at our table waiting for me, the place littered with sweet and all kinds of tea from around the empire. I wish I didn't have to leave. But for the sake of my own survival, I have no choice.