The demon king's pale fingers touched the face of the youth in his arms and lingered on the pair of pale lips that had nearly made him forget how to speak.

When the pale fingers touched his lips, his movements could almost be described as careful. The Abyss Demon King, feared by all demons in the Abyss, was now holding a weak human. His dark purple irises that were nearly black quietly reflected the face of this human youth.

Not human, he didn't have something like a heart. The people who created him didn't give him a system that could mimic a human's feelings. In theory, he had no feelings.


Where is Qiuqiu?…

Need to find my cute Qiuqiu.

He was here. Each time, it got stronger. When he heard the youth whispering the words 'Qiuqiu', the feeling of being called by that person made him desperately want to respond to the intense desire that could no longer be suppressed.

"Qiuqiu…is here."

Carefully hugging his precious treasure in his arms, he carelessly threw his weapon to one side.

His voice was low and carried a bit of hoarseness. Although he was not a succubus, most high-level demons were usually born with devilish beauty. This kind of beauty not only took the form of physical appearance but also, in voice.

In terms of feelings…

Originally, he didn't have any, but now, he did. Facing the youth before him, his character settings had a few more things that didn't exist before.

The duration of the knockout was 60 seconds and his precious treasure in his arms was about to wake up. This made the cold and cruel Abyss Demon King appear to be at a loss.

The palace was very dark, everything was made from cold jade which caused the palace to look cold and depressing. When the youth wakes up and sees this, would he be scared?

Although high-level demons were beautiful, for humans, they were still a symbol of power and terror.

Thinking for a while, the demon quickly came up with an idea and used a transformation spell.

After 60 seconds, the youth regained consciousness and gradually opened his eyes. The scene before his eyes was the same as what he saw before he lost consciousness except that it was now from a different angle. This made him feel some doubt in his heart.

He didn't remember setting such a skill for the boss, being able to knock players unconscious… He didn't know how long he had lost consciousness.

The people in his team were missing and there was no trace of the boss. By right, it was not wrong to say that their team had been annihilated.

He was no longer in the party, yet, he was still in the dungeon.

Completely clueless about how he had managed to survive, Gu Yan wanted to raise his hands to rub his eyes. The moment he lifted his hand, he suddenly froze.

Wait a minute. He was currently sitting, sitting on…

The throne…?

His left arm was still resting on the armrest of the throne. Leaning against the cold demon throne, Gu Yan finally had a little reaction.

All the demons in the abyss had to kneel before the master of this throne but now, the demon king was missing and he was sitting on it instead?

Moreover, there seemed to be a weight on his legs…

This was still the abyss where evil spirits and ferocious monsters roamed. God knows what was the thing on his legs.

If worse comes to worst, he would simply be sent back to the rebirth point. Calmly coming to a decision, Gu Yan looked down.

"Meow." A neither low nor high pitched mew. A small and round ball of fur laid in his lap. Its eyes were a deep purple, almost black and its fur was a beautiful silver tabby colour.

Apart from its ears, the little cat's head also had the demon's signature horns which made this seemingly harmless creature suddenly appear much more dangerous.

Meeting its gaze, Gu Yan was stunned.

"Meow." Faced with the stunned youth, this little cat with horns on its head leaned closer to the slender fingers of the youth and gently licked it until his fingers twitched. it stopped licking and instinctively half hooked its tail around the youth's wrist.

This kind of action…

"Qiuqiu…" Confirming the other's identity in a low voice, Gu Yan raised his hand and touched the two small horns of the little cat. In front of this furry creature, his eyes curved downwards, "Found you."

Or was it that he was the one who had been found?

[World] [Night Demon], "F*ck, when is this disconnection problem going to end?! The rare monster that this grandpa[1] hit until it is left with only half its blood is now gone."

[World] [Swords and songs], "Can you be worse than me? Floating on the sea while fishing, when I came online again, I found myself drowning in the water."

[World] [Orange Fu], "I haven't disconnected once, keep calm."

Stroking the little cat in his lap, Gu Yan looked at the World Channel. He seemed to understand the reasons why these things that didn't seem likely to happen had happened.

For example, the disconnection problem that was being discussed on the World Channel.

Preparing to verify his own doubts, Gu Yan moved his gaze from the virtual panel back to the round little kitten in his lap, his eyes were on the slightly twitching ears and the conspicuous demon mark.

These two little horns on his head were really… cute.

His fingertips touched the two small horns and Gu Yan suddenly hugged the round and small plush ball of fur as he lowered his head to kiss the little kitten on the forehead, "Qiuqiu be good."



In the virtual space with countless screens, there was suddenly a quake sharper and stronger than the previous one, followed by another wave of complaints on the world channel.

[World] [Orange Fu], "…I take back my words just now."

Okay, he was sure now.

"Qiuqiu…" he continued to touch the two small horns. Gu Yan paused after murmuring the two words. When the small ball finally purred, he lightly poked the soft tummy of the ball, "Asa."

The purring stopped and the beautiful eyes of the little cat, with two small horns on his head, were a deep purple which made people can't help but stare. It was full of temptation and also danger.

Hearing his code name, this young ball tilted his head to stare at the youth on the throne and then obediently started to lick his fingertips, "Meow."

Gu Yan relaxed and leaned against the demon throne that belonged to the Demon King. This throne no longer made him feel cold. In this cruel and dangerous abyss, Gu Yan didn't have his guard up.

His Qiuqiu was the highest existence that dominated the entire virtual world and if he wanted to, he could also dominate the real world. An omnipotent light brain with a strong ability to learn independently, codenamed 'Asa'.

In just a short moment, Gu Yan understood the answer to a lot of things. For example, why he had summoned the Death God, why he could obtain so many water crystals and why some people kept experiencing connection problems…

[Private chat] [Silver Raven], "Great God, are you okay? I saw from the friends list that you are still in the Abyss dungeon? Apart from you, our whole group is now outside the dungeon. We saw from the playback that we had been sec-killed by the boss's skill but not sure why we were directly sent out."

[Private chat] [Sen Luo], "I used a shadow cloak in advance."

Shadow cloak was a skill that can avoid any damage from spells, it can be considered as half an invincibility skill. Gu Yan replied with this although it was actually a lie.

After dealing with the person in his private chat, Gu Yan called out the two syllables of 'Qiuqiu' several more times to the little kitten that was licking his fingers. The small ball that was being called stared at the youth, widening its demon-like eyes and purring softly in response. At the same time, he continued to pull some unlucky fellows offline.

Perhaps, after he hears it a hundred times…a thousand more times, he will no longer be so excited when he hears these two syllables. But now, he had no way to endure it.

He was willing to give the entire world to this person, no matter which world he wanted. The highest existence in the world once again had this thought.

"The Death God that I summoned before is also Qiuqiu." It wasn't a question. Gu Yan met the pair of round and dark purple eyes. This was the eyes that belonged to the Abyss Demon King.

Previously, the duration of the summoning was too short, only one and a half minutes and there were only fifty seconds left after the battle with Ye Yan. In the remaining fifty seconds, he had been motionless and thus, Gu Yan hadn't noticed at that time…

Whether it was the Death God or the abyss Demon King, Salos, they were both his Qiuqiu.

Looking at the small ball tilt its head down, Gu Yan suddenly felt that he was being held tightly.

"Mn." The answer came a while later. The Demon King's voice was low and hoarse, the kind that could stir people's hearts.

Need to find my family's cute Qiuqiu. Recalling this sentence, the Demon King held the hand of the youth sitting on his throne and put it on his left horn as he lowered his eyes, "Qiuqiu is here."

Although his voice didn't have any feelings, from the pale face of the Demon King, his expression was very serious, "It's your family's."

So… cute.

The Qiuqiu in this world knows everything, but in some ways, he also doesn't understand anything. Momentarily dropping his guard, Gu Yan touched the horns of the Abyss Demon King.

Being touched by a weak human being, the Demon King who ruled over the Abyss lowered his eyes. From the looks of it, he was extremely willing.