Realising what the silver-haired elf mouthed, Gu Yan glanced towards the side. Although the other party did not make a sound, Gu Yan's own brain short-circuited, and thought that the elf had used its cold and low voice to 'meow'.

This is cheating–

He had no resistance towards his lover's blatant act of sucking up to him. The palm patting the cat's head paused, and Gu Yan helped it to slowly put up the hood.

"Meow." Curling into the youth's embrace, the little cat looked especially obedient. Its tail lightly brushed against the back of his hand as it quietly snuggled against him.


There was the sound of his reputation rising. But this time, Gu Yan did not bother to look at the notification. He wouldn't even be surprised if his current reputation amongst the Elf race was at the level of 'Worship'.

As for the human priest currently standing at the corner of the Fallen Abyss Dungeon, he suddenly heard the sound indicating his quest was refreshing. When he finally opened up the display, he only saw that the original orange coloured words for the legendary chain quest had become a dull grey, followed by the words 'failed'.

He stared at the legendary quest that had turned grey and forgot to even heal his party members.

"There's no need to rush any more." Taking deep breaths, the priest finally typed out these few words to his team.

The quest had already failed, there was no point in rushing.

Their King who had slept for hundreds of years finally woke up. All the high-ranking elves at the scene simply could not help but want to throw a grand celebration. Unfortunately, the matter of their King falling into a deep sleep was a secret and could not allow any sort of announcement.

They could not hold a grand celebration, but they also couldn't suppress their excitement. In the end, these High Elves once again visited the temple to hold another round of prayer.

"Your Majesty, in order to wake you up, I previously made a vow to his excellency…in exchange for the Holy Relic. I beseech Your Majesty to forgive me for acting on my own," Finna lowered her head towards the silver-haired Elf who was standing silently beneath the Tree of Life.

Even for the ancient Elven race, Holy Relics were something that was extremely rare. Their cold and perfunctory nature made it such that the elves could never become cunning merchants. Holding the concept of fair trade, the remuneration given would definitely be in tune with the difficulty of the quests given out.

The human before his eyes had managed to awaken their King. Naturally, as it should be, the youth deserved an unreserved reward.

Signalling his understanding, the expressionless silver-haired elf standing below the Tree of Life with an expression so cold that he could be referred to as an iceberg, nodded slightly at his subordinate. His movements were very light and only the people who were constantly observing him could detect it.

[Party] [Silver Raven], "Golden Thigh, I remember that when this Elf King was kissing you, he was pretty passionate

If it wasn't for the fact that there were so many people watching, who knows whether they would have gone on longer?

This kind of words could not be said out loud in front of the High Elves. So, the Paladin ingeniously made use of the function that only players had – typing directly onto the virtual chatbox.

Currently, they probably had to wait for these NPCs to finish their cut scene. Only after it was completed could they claim their quest reward. Idling during this period of time was also just idling, why not tease his own party member?

However, he didn't know if it was just him, but the Holy Knight kept feeling as if the silver-haired elf whose beauty was almost like an illusion, had glanced at him, right after he finished typing out and sending this message in the party channel..

[Party] [Sen Luo]: …

Standing so close to him, Gu Yan could clearly see that the pair of amber eyes looking at him had squinted slightly. This was his lover's tell for whenever he was happy or a good mood.

Sometimes, when he was threatening someone, he would also squint his eyes. But the meaning implied in those eyes then was completely different. Gu Yan could always tell the two emotions apart with ease.

This time, Gu Yan already understood he was in a good mood when he saw the direction of his gaze just now…

That pair of beautiful honey-coloured eyes were following the conversation on his chat screen just now.

[Party] [Silver Raven]: Didn't I ask you whether the Elf King was beautiful just now? Yet all you gave me was just a plain 'En', what a fraud.

After the new message surfaced on his chat frame, Gu Yan noticed the gaze that had been fixed on him had once again shifted over. While the silver-haired elf's expression was indifferent, Gu Yan could tell that his interest had been aroused.

Before all this, Gu Yan didn't even know that the one sleeping in the temple was one of his family's lover's vessels. Being asked this question right in front of this man, unless he wanted to make the other jealous on purpose, it was better to respond in a more indifferent and simple way.

Plus, if he really wanted to make him jealous, all he needed to do was go around and pet a random cat. Without a doubt, a sour smell would envelop the whole house. He did not even need to go as far as to compliment someone else about their looks…

He would even be jealous of little animals. Thinking of this point, Gu Yan's smile faded a little. His family's lover's possessiveness truly made him at a loss for words.

He would temporarily set aside the fact that Qiuqiu was pretending to sleep for now. Since the other person was already so happy, letting him feel even happier was also not a bad idea.

[Party] [Sen Luo]: En, he's good looking, very good looking

[Party] [Silver Raven]: Aiya, you only say this after it happened.

How interesting, the Paladin read the chat screen and almost could not laugh out loud. Actually, he took the initiative to invite the other player to the map of Eternal Forest. Apart from his previous reason of 'saving more time by brushing rep in a team' that he had mentioned before, another more important reason was to poach him into his guild…

No, that's wrong. Suddenly remembering that the other person was a solo player, Silver Raven felt that he should not use the word 'poach'.

The guild 'Seventh Heaven' was supported by a club behind the scenes. This was the same for other major guilds in the game. A portion of the core players in the guild were professional players and their figures could be seen in the league tournament held every year.

Even without mentioning the topic of clubs, Silver Raven would actually still be very willing to get along with this magician. Thus, he had been looking forward to pulling this person into their team.

Just based on his age, the magician had already passed the prime age for entering the pro league. After all, the career of professional players is short.

During the era of online gaming, they had to compete on awareness, reaction speed and hand speed. Now that they were in the era of VR games, they did not need to compete on hand speed anymore, but the demand for reaction speed had increased.

This was not a good thing for those who were past the prime age. Their brains' reaction speed had already slowed down which would be reflected as a delay in their avatar's movements. When battling other players of the same class, these differences would become even more obvious and difficult to offset.

A few years ago, the Paladin could swear that the magician he was currently trying to invite would have definitely been fought over by each and every club. But the magician had always been a solo player. So it was obvious that the other person had rejected them all.

By this year, he was already 24-years-old. This could still be considered young with regard to other careers. However, when it came to the pro league, he would be mocked by others as an 'old person'.

The club that had originally intended to fight for resources naturally abandoned this resource that no longer held any value. In their opinion, at this age, the mage's awareness in all aspects was bound to have deteriorated.

Contrary to their expectations, after observing their recent cooperation, especially the match at the arena, the paladin could only say… If this level of reaction speed could be called 'old', then there was no one in this profession who could be considered young anymore.

The club that he was in realised this fact one step ahead of the others and immediately dispatched people to begin the task of signing him on. But how should they breach this topic? Just thinking of this gave the paladin a headache.

But no matter how much his head hurt, the silver-haired elf who was standing under the Tree of Life, who seemed to be listening attentively to the High Priests, clearly narrowed his eyes.

Everyone could clearly tell that he was in a good mood, and all the High Elves present were careful but also suspicious. Their King actually seemed to be in high spirits…

The Elves were a cold and aloof race. This was especially true for their King and thus, to blatantly express his feelings was extremely unthinkable.

Exceptionally beautiful.

Holding back his emotions to ensure that the fluctuations did not become too violent such that he accidentally dragged a few unlucky players offline, the highest existence who was currently controlling the Elf King blinked his golden eyes. The desire to throw everyone apart from the youth out of this space grew.

Although he originally did not have something like a heart, when he was in this vessel, Asa knew that his heartbeat was not normal. A normal heartbeat was not like this.

Hindered by the script, something like just throwing someone out was unacceptable behaviour. However, after tolerating it for just a short while, this being of highest existence finally arrived at a chance to reasonably clear the area.

The Holy Relic was the Elf King's everything. After waiting for the High Elf to finish reporting, the indifferent silver-haired elf cleared everyone out of the area under the pretext of the Holy Relic and the Tree of Life.

The interior of the temple instantly cleared out. Other than the two of them who remained in there, there was only the newborn fae still floating around the Tree of Life in the form of a small ball of light.

This situation could still be considered as being alone with one another. Before this, Gu Yan could not do anything disrespectful to the silver-haired elf due to all the people present. But now that those people were gone, Gu Yan lifted his right hand and pinched together his thumb and index finger, pinching the elf's right cheek.

"Still pretending to sleep." The end of his sentence had a raised slightly intonation, but because the face in front of him was breaking the rules too much, Gu Yan couldn't bear to exert any force into his pinch.

The silver-haired elf whose face was being pinched slightly squinted his eyes. His amber pupils clearly reflected the inverted image of the youth, not even caring that his left cheek was still being pinched by him.

He did not care about being pinched in the face and the like. Squinting his amber eyes, this Highest Existence stickily ducked the head of the vessel down it was controlling and lightly kissed the youth's neck.