The sky which had been gloomy a moment ago became peaceful once more. The bright sky appeared so quickly that it made everyone doubt what they had just witnessed.

At the same time, the pressure on the rest of the guard staff lessened. Although the evil spirits didn't cease their assault, the intensity of their attack lightened and some even stopped on the spot, turning around to leave for somewhere else.

"The upper management said to hold back as many as we can." A distance away from the broken array, a tall middle-aged man conveyed the message to his comrades. Throughout the conversation, his expression did not once change.

Needing a concealment talisman to carefully infiltrate into the inner circle, the middle-aged man did not expect their guard to be so tight. He had wasted a lot of time in order to enter without being discovered.

After repeating the instructions, the man observed the former array through a pair of binoculars. He surveyed the surroundings and gritted his teeth, "This person cannot be spared."

Young and talented, and he even had to be a spirit tamer. Once this person is allowed to grow, things would become more troublesome in the future.

The blonde-haired man was silent as he knew who this person was referring to. Frankly speaking, he still had a psychological shadow in his heart and he only wished to never meet them again.

For an arrogant and conceited man who cared a lot about his reputation, having been made into a fool in front of everyone was akin to ripping off his face, throwing it onto the ground, and stepping on it. It hurt ten times more than simply using a knife and a gun to hack him to pieces.

"Coincidentally, this is a chance for you to take your revenge." When the middle-aged man said this, he glanced towards the taciturn young man.

Once he heard the word 'revenge', the youth finally gave a reaction. His hands were full of sweat. "The enemy's tamed spirit isn't easy to deal with."

That day, after he woke up, he heard from his comrades at the spiritual convention that the tamed spirit he had raised for a long time had actually kneeled towards his enemy. Afterwards, it still wanted to follow despite having its connections severed from its master.

This wasn't as simple as throwing his face onto the ground and stepping on it. Rather, after stepping, it was even used to wipe the floor in front of everyone, leaving him without a shred of dignity.

"The second array Teacher laid will activate soon. It was supposed to attract evil spirits, but now we'll let the ghost you said that wasn't easy to deal with enjoy it all alone." He hadn't attended the spiritual convention, so the middle-aged man did not have a deep impression of the ghost. Although he was cautious, his attitude couldn't be considered insightful.

The first array was exposed on the surface while the second array was buried under it. Without activating it, no one would notice it. Their original plan was to wait until the reverse Zhoutian array attracted all the spirits in the capital and contaminate the dragon vein to a certain extent before activating the second one. After refining the trapped spirits in the array, they would destroy the dragon in a fell swoop.

Now that the array meant to entrap hundreds of spirits was left to capture a single ghost, the middle-aged man was extremely confident. He fished out an apparatus the size of a cell phone and coldly instructed his comrade, "Once the array is activated, I will set off the bombs buried earlier. This can only be carried out once, so if we can't deal with that person, you know what consequence awaits you when you return."

Consequence. Their department was extremely strict towards those who repeatedly failed. Immediately, the youth's hands turned sweaty as he slowly nodded.

After the array was broken, there was still a mess to clean up, especially since too many spirits had been attracted by the reverse Zhoutian array. All those who'd been busy breaking the array were drained of spiritual energy and waiting to recover before going back out to assist the rest.

He who was favoured by the 'rules' and had the primordial energy of chaos in his body was simply a walking cheat. After resting for a bit, his spiritual energy had mostly recovered. This degree of recovery could be considered a combat ability rather than an obstruction, thus, he stood up and at this moment-

"Earthquake?" Grandmaster Zhao was flabbergasted. He turned towards his comrades on Kun Yi Mountain and they stared at each other, everyone revealing a look of astonishment.

The tremor beneath their feet was growing stronger until they became unsteady. Some stones even began to tumble from the impact.

BOOM. A loud sound followed, hurting the ears of those present. It was clearly an explosion.

"This bastard is crazy!" Grandmaster cursed furiously while the others didn't have a good expression either. They understood that their enemy was probably prepared to succeed or die trying.

Just as Gu Yan stood up, there was a loud explosion and the ground under him collapsed. Everything happened too quickly for him to react and at the same time, he felt an enormously powerful array activate. All the spiritual energy gathering a second ago was immediately forced to disperse.

When he anxiously looked down, he saw the cat in his arms reveal a rarely seen look of alarm. In the next second, his arms were empty. The weight in his arms had disappeared.

"Cough, cough…" Choked by the sand and dust, Gu Yan waved his hands and coughed. Earlier, there wasn't anything for him to stabilise himself so after the earthquake struck, he didn't know where he had fallen.

He guessed that he must have sprained his left foot when he felt pain upon trying to move. Gu Yan supported himself against a large stone and only used his right leg to prop himself up.

His family's Qiuqiu…

Just as he was thinking of this, Gu Yan felt something cold and hard press against the back of his head. In the next moment, there was the click of a gun.


The entire sequence took less than a second.

After half a minute, another person appeared. The middle-aged man glanced towards the body on the floor and snatched the gun from the youth. "You're already like this just from killing a person. With your mentality, I really don't know how you managed to be selected by our department."

"The landslide buried many people. Our task is complete, it's best to escape now while everything is still a mess." There was still a safe pathway which was within their expectation. After confirming that their target was truly dead, he prepared to leave according to their plan.

"The corpse… shouldn't we deal with it?" The youth followed behind his comrade, not daring to fall behind. Leaving behind a corpse, what if they accidentally left behind some evidence…

The middle-aged man walking at the front laughed coldly. "Do you think the ghosts on this mountain are vegetarian?"

Looking back, he saw numerous evil spirits approaching the corpse and his scalp tingle. He no longer dared to look back, only quickening his pace. But just as he sped up, he realised the person in front had stopped.

"The array has been broken…" This was the first time shock appeared in the middle-aged man's eyes. A strange sense of danger weighed down on his heart, pressing him to immediately move forward as fast as he could.

He had a feeling that if he didn't hurry, he wouldn't be able to leave this mountain alive.

That array used to attract all the spirits should be more than enough. Not only in entrapment, it could even refine the spirit within, so how could it be broken within just a few minutes by the ghost inside-

But this was not the time to ponder over such matters. He had to leave, now.

From the moment it had been trapped by the array, the ghost king had been unable to detect the youth's position and was about to sink into a state of madness. The feeling of having his precious treasure taken away made him recall something he was unwilling to remember. The experience of not being able to properly protect his beloved, the experience of not being able to find that person because he didn't watch him carefully…

As this violent mania worsened, the ghost king's eyes gradually reddened and a terrifying force tore through the array. No matter how sturdy and powerful it was, it gradually crumbled under the continuous assault.

In just a few minutes, a huge hole appeared in the tightly sealed array and it fell apart in the next instance.

The frightening power approached, and it was growing closer. But the ghosts had lost all rationality before under the effect of the array and were unable to comprehend this overwhelming force. They ignorantly continued to search for more loot.

"Ah Yan…"

As if something had broken and creaked pitifully in despair, the humanity that had woken up upon meeting that person completely disappeared. The abnormal shade of red had erased black. The beautiful man's originally black pupils had completely turned red.

Someone took away his precious treasure. Why should these people live? He didn't understand.

His precious treasure wasn't in this world. Why should this world exist? He didn't understand.