
Chapter 18


Sid's face was forcefully turn to her side, as Laney's heavy hand hit her cheek. She can hear a slight ringing in her ear as numbness was replaced by a burning sting.

"You went to school just to cause trouble? Have you no shame fighting your classmates for just a damn book? What's the point of you going to school if you're acting like a thug in the streets, huh!?" Laney furiously yelled at her.

She wanted to defend herself, but she decided to keep her mouth shut. Knowing her mother, reasoning to her will only anger her. And Sid doesn't like that because she'll be in the receiving end if that's to happen.

"What's more, you decided to stay over at the Noors' house instead of going home. Do you think you can avoid being scolded if you went there? I shouldn't have brought you here if you're acting like a rebellious b*tch!"

"Pfft!" Allyna laughed at the side, watching her getting scolded.

She tightly clenched the strap of her bag, while suppressing her urge to cry. Her eyes were lock on the floor, avoiding her mother's face.

Every word that came out from Laney's mouth feels like knives stabbing her on the chest.

It's unfair, why do everyone thinks that it's her fault?

The peace that she had during her stay in Mathieu's house feels likes a lie.

Her footsteps were heavy as she trailed her way back because Sid was reluctant to go home. It's a house where she doesn't fit it, but whatever reason she has, she had no choice to go back because Laney is still her legal guardian.

"Go back to your room, and don't show your face for the time being because it irritates me," Laney said with a disgruntled expression. "And don't eat dinner as your punishment!"

I silently head upstairs, and as soon as I reach my room, my tears fell down rapidly. I toss my bag on the floor and threw myself on the bed. I buried my face in my pillow to block any sound from escaping as I emptied my eyes.

This is so tiring. Why do I need to experience this nasty feeling? It's wearing me out.

It's so much easier when dad was alive, he was my refuge when I feel down. He was my protector, he never doubted me and always believed in me, and now that he's gone everything is starting to fell apart.

I clenched my fist and started hitting the pillow.

Thump! Thump!

I gritted my teeth. I want to scream to let out all my frustration, but I can't let it out and all I can do is to keep it inside.

"Sob... Hic, hic... I'm tired. I-I need to escape."

I need to go to a place that allows me to escape this sh*tty world.

I need to dream again.

"What dream will you have Sidereae? What do you want to be?" I whispered and closed my eyes.

* * *

Roesia blinked her eyes and slightly tilted her head as blurred noise was pricking her ear.

It took her a few seconds before her mind started to clear and her senses to come back.

When her senses came back, she realized that she was standing by the door outside the room that seems to be a luxurious chamber dedicated to a rich and high ranking person.

A wave of anxiety suddenly surged inside her when she saw the door slightly opened.

Nevertheless, Roesia ignored the screaming instinct inside her and took a step forward and decided to peek inside the room.


She unconsciously covered her mouth as her eyes widened in shock after witnessing an obscene act between a man and a woman.

Tears swelled from her eyes and her body trembled as pain, betrayal and hatred formed like a sharp blade stabbing every part of her being.

It took her great strength to compose herself and walk out from that place like nothing happens.

"Milady, did you not find the young master?" The maid asked, seeing Roesia coming out from the direction where the young master's chamber is located.


"Then would you like to go to the parlor to wait for him?" She politely asked, but Roesia shook her head.

"I'm going home. I suddenly felt ill." She replied shortly.

"Is that so? I will tell the young master that you came to visit when I see him, milady."

Roesia gave a small nod before she went on her way to leave.

Her carriage was already prepared as soon as she exited the door. She quickly descended the perron leading to the opened door of her carriage.

The knight waiting by the carriage came forward and held out his hand to help her climb.

Roesia placed her hand over his hand and the knight suddenly spoke to her.

"Back so soon, Dreamer?"

Sidereae turned her gaze toward the knight, and a cheeky grin appeared on his face the moment their eyes met.


* * *

Knock! Knock!

Sidereae woke up by the knocking sound from her door. She reluctantly got up from the bed and strode toward the door to open it.

She opened the door and discovered Adam standing before her holding a tray.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" He awkwardly asked.

"Ah! N-no, come in." She replied with a slight tense in her voice.

Adam stepped inside and placed the tray right on the table, "I brought you something to eat."

"Auntie said I am not allowed to eat." She replied with a small voice.

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Well..." Sidereae bit her lip as she looks at the food in front of her. It's a cup of rice and two pieces of chicken adobo place inside a small bowl. It's not much, but it's enough to fill her stomach.

She gulped and hesitantly reach for the bowl.

"But, what if they found out? Aunt will scold you too."

"It's okay. Mom won't find out if you don't tell her," Adam grinned.

"T-thank you," Sid's voice cracked as she expressed her gratitude to him.

Aside from Mathieu, it was her first time to experience such a kind gesture from someone she's not close with.

She sat on the carpet and started eating, while Adam stayed standing with his eyes wandering around the room.

"It looks cozy in here," He murmured, "Do you mind if I look around?"

"Sure, but you won't find any interesting stuff here."

Adam walk toward the small bookshelf near the bed and saw a collection of manga and book titles.

"Are you kidding me!?" He blurted in surprise as he took out a title from the shelf.

"Wha-! Cough, cough!" She immediately grabbed the glass of water and quickly drinks it. She was startled and almost choke on her food.

"I'm sorry!" Adam quickly came beside her and rubbed her back. "Are you okay?"


"I'm sorry, I was just surprised to see the 1st volume of Initializing... 2132," Adam said and sat across her. "I've collected volume 2 up to the latest volume 7. However, I couldn't find any available copies of volume 1."

"I see. Do you like reading Light Novels?"

"Yes, 'cause its fun. Initializing... 2132 was the first Light Novel that I've read and the reason why I got hooked up in exploring Light Novels," Adam told with a small smile on his lips.

Initializing...2132 is a light novel set in an apocalyptic era where earth is facing a destruction caused by waves of monsters that appeared from a different dimension. The protagonist Quara Bridger has a strange ability that causes her to regress every time she died in failing to clear the waves.

Mathieu is the one responsible for turning Sid into an avid fan of the said light novel.

Sid felt happy for finding someone whom she can share a similar hobby aside from Mathieu. She also felt a little closer to her half-brother Adam. He might not know the truth that they were siblings, but Sid was content knowing that they get along. It won’t do good for him to know that she is his sister, and Laney will definitely flip into a demon if the truth came out.

"You can take the 1st volume if you want?"

"Eh?" Adam muttered in bewilderment.

"I wasn't able to collect the rest of it. It's always sold out and whenever they reprint copies I still failed to get one because I always run out of money," She sheepishly smiled and scratched her cheek. "So I think that it's better if you have it instead."

"Are you serious!?"

"Mn. Just treat it as my thanks for secretly bringing me a meal."

"No, bringing you food is different! I mean, that even if you said it like that...it's still not enough as an exchange for this book." Adam anxiously said while holding the book. "Ah! I will pay you for instead!"

"Eh? No, no no." Sid waved her hand vigorously, "You don't need to pay for it. Instead, allow me to borrow your collection once in a while."

Adam looked at her with beaming eyes, "Thank you, Sid. Thank you so much!"

There's a satisfaction that sprouted in her seeing Adam's happiness. It felt good knowing that as a sister she was able to give something to her younger brother.

Sidereae smiled. Maybe she should thank Laney for this.