Mana Archive Parameters


STRENGTH:- The Strength parameter represents the physical strength of a being. This parameter also influences the damage inflicted. However, this parameter is different from Attack Power. They might influence each other as a person with high Strength stats could deal more damage than a person with low Strength stats, but at the same time, a person with low Strength stats might have high Attack Power due to his Weapon.

The Strength parameter can also affect speed. A person with powerful legs can lunge faster than a person with weak legs.


AGILITY:- The Agility parameter represents the movement speed and attack speed. At the same time, it also influences a being's thought process to some extent, speeding up the reaction speed as a consequence.


HEALTH:- The Health parameter represents the well-being of a body and it also represents how fast the body can heal from various wounds. With high Health stats a body will be able to withstand more attacks and at the same time, the higher the Health stats, the faster the body heals. 


STAMINA:- The Stamina parameter represents the working capacity of a body. The higher the Stamina, the longer a being can stay on the battlefield. This parameter also affects the Strength and Agility parameter. As the Stamina continues to decrease the Strength and Agility of the body would also decrease as the body would no longer have the energy to exert the muscle mass of the body at full capacity.


MANA:- The Mana parameter represents the amount of Mana the user can contain in their body.


MAGIC:- The Magic parameter represents the amount of Mana the user could use during a single instance.

If the user's Magic is low then they won't be able to use a Skill that has a high Mana cost even if they have the necessary Mana to activate the Skill.


There are basically two types of Skills:-

•Internal Skills

•External Skills

INTERNAL Skills:- Internal Skills are gained after a being kills another being after the arrival of Mana Archive.

EXTERNAL Skills:- At this point, nothing about the External Skills has been revealed.