Chapter 1- pilot

Our protagonist was walking through a beautiful village. On his left and right were many food stalls, each selling something more flavorful than the previous. The yellow-haired boy took a long look at some food and trinket stalls and read the menus of each stall.

The protagonist read that one sold balloons, another sold tasteful fish, and one other sold ramen. He smiled at the thought of ramen.

'Ramen is the food of gods,' thought the yellow-haired child. His mouth watering at the thought of having a delectable noodle.

The whiskered child frowned at some of the shopkeepers. A lot of them looked at him with scowls, while others didn't even seem to look at him. Those that didn't even seem to be affected by his presence were surely going to get pranked when he had the time, of course.

It was only when he walked up to the stall, that he was really affected by the looks of the shop owner.

"What are you doing here, demon, haven't I already told you once to get the hell away from my shop!" The owner of this particular stall yelled at the 'demon'. Frowning, he looked at the shopkeeper.

He was fat, probably obeese, he was short too, not over 4 foot 10. He had a bull cut, which made the boy throw up in his own mouth. And the use of vulgar language didn't help his case, probably made it worse in the ramen-loving child's eyes.

"Sorry Mr..." the boy was looking for a name tag or just something that gave him a hint at his name. The boy wondered why nobody sold him any food, or called him a demon. Maybe he would go and talk to his old man about it.

"The names nunya, kid, now get out of my shop!" screamed the obese man, which made the young boy receiving the verbal beating, scram with his tail between his legs.

After a couple of more stalls that looked like they sold tasty food, he was saddened to a high degree. He was tired of getting rejected from buying food, so he started walking, wandering around with no specific destination.

As the blond boy was walking, he was looking at his feet, so he paid no attention to where he was walking. After getting lost on the road of life, he finally looked up, which alerted all his senses that he wasn't anywhere that he knew. He looked around a couple of times before he realized that he was, indeed, lost.

The boy scratched his chin. Maybe he could walk backwards, or towards the opposite way he was going, and theoretically speaking he should be able to find where he was originally at.

It was only what felt like half an hour of walking from the same direction that he realized he was actually lost and that going back the same way he came from wasn't working out.

The boy sighed out through his nose. He started to just walk, not entirely looking for a clear destination. The young man noticed that it was getting late after another half an hour and that it should be 8:00 pm very soon.

The young fellow started to realize that someone was following him, only when the boy turned around did the person stop his movement and acted like he was reading something or rather fiddling with his fingers.

By the look of the man, he would have to be at least in his late 30s, maybe early 40s. He was very bulky, so unlike the shopkeeper, a lot of that man's weight was definitely muscle. The man had a scar running along his face, which made him look somewhat cool to the 5-year-old. But, he looked drunk because he thought that the almost 6-year-old believed that he wasn't following him.

It was after just 10 minutes did the yellow-haired child get annoyed with the adult that he finally spoke out.

"Sir, what are you doing following me," He asked the obvious question. The older man looked surprised that he was caught. Now, looking at him, the boy could tell he wasn't anything more than a civilian.

"What do you mean- hiccup- I'm not following you, I'm just walking," the older man said, slurring most of his words. It was obvious to the boy now that he was clearly drunk.

The young boy got annoyed by his clear lie, "I might be 5, but I'm not an idiot, sir. I can clearly tell you're following me, no reason to lie about it." The boy with the weird birthmark said out loud, his voice laced with annoyance at the sheer audacity of the lie.

The 40-year-old drunk glared dagger at the younger individual, "Are you- hiccup- calling me a liar, boy? I know a demon isn't calling me a liar!" Screamed the man, with hostility lacing his tone.

The boy could clearly read the air, and started to run out in a sprint. He was going to try to find the Hokage's office, which, by the look of it, shouldn't be far off as his surroundings started to look familiar again.

The man also started to sprint at the young boy. The old man wore a scowl on his face, "where you running- *hiccup*- I'm not done talking to you,"

The boy could finally see the stall that he once passed by with the mean owner. All he needed to do was go to the next left, and he should be at the Hokage's office.

The young boy looked back and saw that the man chasing him stopped. He smirked at him and stuck out his tongue. The boy had finally managed to reach the Hokage's tower.

The young boy finally stepped inside the buildings, taking a look at the huge building, he walked up to the receptionist, who took one glance and scowled.

"What do you want, brat?" The woman asked him, he looked back at her with a scowl equaling hers.

"I'm here for ji- err Hokage-sama," stated the young boy, who almost tripped over his own words.

The woman's eyes slightly squinted at the sigh of him before sighing. She buzzed a ringer that sat right at her desk.

"Hokage-sama, the brat- I mean Naruto, is here to see you."


"Naruto, I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about it, my hands are full, don't you see how much paperwork I have?" Said an old, yet familiar voice. Inside this particularly huge room was a desk, flanked by each side were bookcases. On the desk were 2 stacks of paper. On the left and right of said stacks of paper were books with many titles.

On the receiving end of the verbal beating was a young boy with bright, vibrant, spiky yellow hair. Plastered on his face was a scowl, turned pout.

"B-but old man, you promised-." 

"A lot of people promise a lot of things, Naruto. I'm sorry, but I can't possibly help you. My hands are tied, I can't just make people like you." The man known as Hiruzen Sarutobi, The God of Shinobi, apologized to the young boy, who couldn't be older than five. Now looking at the old man, he wore a red and white haori, with a funny red hat with the kanji meaning fire. He, too, wore a frown on his face.

The old man had a look that said he was far wiser than any before him and even more strong than he looked.

"I'm sorry, Naruto-." Hiruzen was caught off by the yellow-haired

"No, you're not sorry! You'll never understand, you're loved everywhere. You'll never understand my pain, Hiruzen!" Screamed the 5-year-old, who quickly, after saying his peace, walked out of the office. Hiruzen seemed to age by a couple of years, a sigh left Hiruzen's mouth. His hands were lifted into the air, in a motion to bang them on the desk. Although, his hands quickly fell to his side in frustration.

A voice came out from one of the 4 corners of the room. This voice sounded a lot younger than the old man, but older than the child who recently left the office they both resided in.

"You have to apologize, Hokage-sama," Hiruzen's ears twitched for a second, before he got up out of his comfortable chair, went over to another desk in his office, took out a key from his pocket, and opened up one of the drawers.

Hiruzen sighed once more, pulling out a bottle of sake. He walked over to his desk, pulled out his chair, sat down, and pulled himself in. Hiruzen waited for a good minute and opened up the bottle of sake. Furthermore, he took a long swig, his regrets and fears were left behind in a cold, solitary part of his mind. He took another swig before he looked to the left of his room.

"If only it was that easy, Kakashi, if only it was that easy," another swig was taken from the alcoholic beverage, "I understand it is hard, Hokage-sama, but the least you can do is apologize."

The man's presence was now fully noticed by the old man. The man named Kakashi finally showed himself with a dog mask, he wore the regular anbu attire, baggy pants where they were pulled in once they reached the socks. He wore a small amount of armor, and had a short sleeved shirt that clung on his body tightly, so you could easily see the well-developed muscles.

The man known as Kakashi had a strict, yet depressing feeling around him.

Hiruzen smirked and shook his head. "And say what, Kakashi? Sorry Naruto, I'll show favoritism and go against the wishes of the council. You know what will happen when I go against the council, right? Kakashi, do you realize the repercussions if I went against the council?" Hiruzen asked, almost out of curiosity, rather than looking for an answer.

Kakashi just stood there quietly, no rebuttal seemed to surface in Kakashi. Hiruzen sighed, for what felt like the umpteenth time today.

"If I keep sighing like this, I think I might become like Shikaku," Hiruzen chuckled lightly at his joke, and took another swig of his bottle. Realizing it to be almost empty, took one last swig of the bottle before he threw it away in the trash bin next to his desk.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi. Today has just been a little rough, I was pushed by the council once again to decide Naruto's fate. They know I won't budge on the subject, yet they still try," Hiruzen stated with annoyance. Kakashi shook his head, albeit not visible to the normal eye.

"Kakashi, would you be of help and fetch Naruto, I would like to apologize to him. Maybe me and him could go out for ramen, as my treat of course," Hiruzen said with a smile plastered on his face. The only signs of Kakashi leaving the room were the leaves falling to the floor and a loss of a chakra signature.


We could see Naruto walking through some green foliage. Occasionally a frustrated sigh would come out of our protagonist's mouth. He walked up to a tree and punched it, with what looked like, all his strength.

Naruto slumped down next to the tree. On days like this not even a bowl of ramen could fix his mood. It was days like this not even a friend would, no, could fix his mood. Sometimes, Naruto would just want to cry in a corner and forget about his life as a whole. Hell, leaving this damned village wouldn't be far off the truth, but those were only thoughts on rainy days.

But, Naruto learned at a young, tender age of just 4 that crying gets you nowhere. Especially if no one cares about the person that is crying in the first place. Crying doesn't do anything for you, except waste precious water from your body.

It was then, to the left of Naruto, a twig cracked under the weight of something. This alerted Naruto, finally paying attention to his surroundings. He stood up, Naruto could feel something or rather someone watching him from all sides. He felt cornered yet had all the space in the world.

It was then that a kunai came flying out of the same foliage surrounding Naruto. He tried to dodge the kunai to the best of his ability, yet he was still scratched by the flying knife. Naruto seethed. He clenched his fist. Naruto grabbed the kunai that landed on the tree that he was originally sitting on.

He gripped the kunai in a reverse grip. One of the assailants charged out of the shadows. A red glint shone from Naruto's eyes as he threw the kunai at the assailant. The assailant dodged to the right. He was only met with a tree, almost knocking into it, if it weren't for his quick reflexes. Naruto took off into the bushels.

Naruto cursed, if only he weren't stupid enough to run into the forest where no one was near in at least 300 meters. Another kunai flew past him, nearly cutting his thigh. Naruto grabbed the kunai that was flung past him and stuck in a tree. He jumped and looked back. 4 black figures with masks on were chasing him. They all were wearing unidentifiable masks and kumo village headbands.

Naruto breathed a sigh through his nose. There was no way he could beat these guys on his own, so he would have to compromise and make a huge distraction. His opportunity arrived when one of the unknown shinobi went to throw an exploding kunai. The kunai was thrown towards his head, Naruto, pulling up his kunai to deflect it, deflected the kunai towards the air. The kunai exploded, making a huge firework-like show.

Naruto smiled, his planned work, but that didn't mean that he shook off his assailants yet.

Naruto looked behind him, to see that his attacker had stopped moving. Confusing Naruto, he looked in front of himself and almost didn't notice the cliff that was just a meter in front of himself. With the speed he was going at, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from running directly off the cliff.

As Naruto finally reached the cliff, he closed his eyes. He knew this was going to hurt, hell, he would probably die, but at least he will die knowing he doesn't have to deal with the torture of the village anymore.

'Maybe everyone would be better off if I would just die,' thought Naruto, finally accepting the end of his short story of life.

It was only after what felt like an hour that Naruto reopened his eyes to see that he was, in fact, not dead, and was hanging from the cliff from which he almost fell off.

Naruto looked up to his savior and saw a man who had black hair and wrapped in bandages were his right arm and his right eye. He was also wearing a robe similar to the Hokages, but his was just black and white, rather than the traditional red and white.

"Are you okay, little boy? Am I hurting you in any way," asked the man in a, what sounded like, sincere tone.

"Yeah, o-old man, I'm fine. I think I would feel better if you pulled me up, though," Naruto said, exasperated. The old man chuckled, and quickly pulled Naruto up before he lost his grip.

"How did you save me, old man? I for sure thought I was a goner there," Naruto grinned and scratched the back of his head.

"I was in the area and saw the convenient explosion that signaled some of my attention. I just so happened to be right here, at the right time," the old man said.

Naruto got suspicious of the old man's words. Naruto thought that was just too believable to be true.

"One more question, how did you beat them all up? And where are they," Naruto asked curiously? How would one be able to beat them all so fast in such a short period of time, and still be able to catch him before he fell to his death?

The old man turned around and started to walk. Naruto watched the old man with a keen eye, "Are you coming?" Naruto scratched the back of his head again, and hurriedly followed the mysterious, yet kind man.

"Yeah, hold up, wait for me!" Danzo grinned.

'Plan 1: completed.'


(A/N): Yo, what's up, it's your boy ZiixlZ back at it again with another fanfic that, I'm hoping, will be the first ever fanfic to ever be written by me and completed by me. Key word hoping, I really like the idea of this one, and I can't wait to finish it. I'm just hoping that nothing bad happens like my account getting hacked, or school going to shit.

If you guys have read my fanfics before you know 2 things, I have horrible work ethic and I love suggestions/constructive criticism. Not only will it help me and for future chapters and fanfics I make, it will also help you guys for your own reading experience. If you don't like what I write tell me why, if you like what I write tel me why.

For this fanfic I will give a big shoutout to @Aekelen for coming up and storming ideas with me, if it weren't for him I wouldn't of thought of such a golden idea. If you guys have suggestions for this story, ie. affinities, pairings, missions, please tell me, I really need help making this because I am weird. Thanks for reading, and peace out my fellow readers.

P.s: I don't own Naruto, if I did, Naruto wouldn't of lost Kurama and Naruto wouldn't have been dependent on Kurama.

Word Count: 2991