Chapter 5- first mission- last part

Naruto woke up to the sound of dripping water. Naruto took in his surroundings, and for one thing he was… surprised. Curious even. He was wondering how he got into a sewer, especially since there appears to be only one direction to go.

Naruto sighed before picking himself up from the ground that was covered in water, yet after focusing he realized that he wasn't wet. Which was weird, since Naruto was applying chakra to keep himself up.

Naruto shook his head, as if to clear it. He started to walk in the only direction he could go. Forward.

After what seemed like five minutes, he arrived at an open area with a giant cage.

"Hello! Is someone there?" Naruto half questioned and yelled. He was rewarded with a loud growl from the cage.

"Shut… Up… I am trying to sleep, peasant," a demonic voice responded to Naruto from the giant cage. If Naruto had to guess, that cage was probably one-and-a-half Hokage towers.

The way the demonic voice just simply dismissed Naruto that easily annoyed Naruto, "Hey! I am talking to you, don't sleep on me. Who are you?" Naruto questioned the evil voice inside the cage.

Came out of the shadows, and close to the bars of the cage was a giant fox who had to be at least as tall as the Hokage tower, probably even larger.

"Brat, watch how you speak to your elders. If I really wanted to, I could eat you, no, crush you where you stand!" Yelled the giant fox, with nine swaying tails behind the fox.

Naruto's eyes widened to huge proportions when he noticed the creature he was talking to. If he wasn't mistaken, that was the Kyuubi. The nine tails fox.

"Wait, did I die or something?" Naruto questioned the giant fox, who smirked an evil smirk at the fear he sensed in its host.

"Yes, and I have come to torture you for all eternity," the evil fox said as he laughed, maniaclly.

Naruto started to tremble, his hair casting a shadow on his face. A second laugh came from Naruto, which surprised the Kyuubi.

"Well, that doesn't matter. I'll just beat you up, and revive myself from the dead then," Naruto said in a determined voice. It was the Kyuubi's turn to be surprised by his young-host's words.

The demon fox smiled, he loved a good challenge, "Well, come at me with the intent to kill, or you won't even touch me," the Kyuubi started with an almost playful looking smile.

Naruto started running to the cage, but before he could reach the inner cage, a yellow flash appeared out of nowhere, which grabbed Naruto from running inside the cage, and teleported to the outer area.

The yellow flash is revealed to be the fourth-Hokage, sporting his Hokage robes.

Naruto was, yet again, surprised for the umpteenth time today.

"Hokage-sama? What are you doing here?" Naruto threw out multiple questions at the young Hokage, who just chuckled at the young haired boy.

"Naruto, I am here because I supplied chakra through your seal when you were just born. Although, I expected you to be a lot older before I finally met you, and even older when you finally met the Kyuubi," Minato explained, which made Naruto even have more questions.

Minato saw the confusion written on Naruto's face, "No, you are not dead. You are just unconscious in your mindscape," Naruto's face turned into an 'o' shape, which made Minato chuckle. Minato continued, "Anymore questions,"

Naruto's brain started processing everything. He understood everything. Why he had barely any friends. Why the third liked him so much. Why he was hated all around the village.

Naruto only had one question, "Why me? Why did you choose me, instead of everyone else in the village," Naruto managed to speak out, a tear dropping from his left eye because of the amount of the emotional torment he has been through, throughout his five years of living. Usually kids his age are worried about what swingset they would play on, or if their 'bestfriend' were still, well, their bestfriend. Him, on the other hand, was worrying if he would live the next day, if someone would try to assassinate him again.

Minato bit his lip, before saying, "Because I am your father…" Before Minato could say anything else, he was bombarded with blows from Naruto. Minato was surprised because it was the beginning stage of his style.

"YOU. IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Naruto yelled as he threw another punch at Minato's abdomen.

"YOU CONDEMNED ME TO THE BEATINGS, YOU LEFT ME TO HAVE NO FRIENDS, NO PARENTS!" Naruto screamed at Minato, another punch being sent, although this one strayed off to his head, hitting Minato directly in the right cheek.

Minato was surprised because he was promised that Naruto would be left with an amazing childhood, as a savior of Konoha for carrying the Kyuubi-no-Kitsune.

As Naruto was bombarding his dad with hits, the Kyuubi was watching the affair with a disapproving nod.

'Humans,' the Kyuubi thought.

"Naruto, what are you talking about? I was promised that you were going to have an amazing childhood. That you were going to be treated as a savior," Minato said, dodging another punch from Naruto.

Before Naruto could throw another punch, Minato quickly jumped up from off the ground.

Now looking at Naruto, Minato saw that Naruto's looks were almost uncanny to him. The yellow hair, the blue eyes. The only thing different about his features were his facial features, they were similar to Kushina's. The round face, the shape of the eyes.

"Can you please tell me what you are talking about. I was told by Hiruzen that you were going to be treated as a hero, someone who helped save the village by holding the Kyuubi in his stomach," Minato added on to his original statement.

Naruto nodded, and told Minato everything that has happened, to the getting kicked out of the orphanage, to him getting betrayed by Hiruzen, to him getting saved by Danzo. Minato nodded.

"Okay, although I don't like that you are being trained by Danzo, as he is very manipulative, I am glad that at least someone is taking care of you and your training while I am dead," Minato added, when Minato was Hokage, Danzo was actually respectful, and was not doing anything behind his back. However, when Hiruzen was Hokage, he could see that Danzo was very manipulative.

"Really? You are saying sensei-Danzo is manipulative? Are you sure we are talking about the same person? He has done nothing but help me since I first met him," Naruto stated obliviously.

Minato shook his head, "Well, he was very manipulative when Hiruzen was hokage, when I was Hokage, it almost seemed like he respected me, so he didn't do anything to get on my bad terms. Probably because I reminded him too much of his old sensei, Tobirama. Not to mention the fact that I perfected the same technique his master created," Minato explained to Naruto thoroughly. Naruto nodded and paid attention to every word that Minato said. It was nice knowing that your father wasn't a mean person, and that he actually did love you.

"Okay, I have one more question though," Naruto stated, before continuing, "How was mom? What did she look like? Was she pretty, was she nice?" Naruto asked in a cincere voice, which made Minato smile.

"She was probably the kindest woman I had ever met. She had beautiful, crimson, red hair. And ocean, like eyes," Minato said, almost in a dream-like state.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at Minato, before kicking him in the shin to regain his attention. Minato laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. Naruto laughed at that, so he wasn't the only person who did that when he was embarrassed.

Naruto was caught by surprise when he saw that Minato was fading.

"Well, it seems like my time is up, son. My chakra is running out. This seems like goodbye, for now. Promise me something, though," Minato said, which made Naruto on the verge of tears.

"What is it?" Naruto said, understanding that he couldn't do anything in this situation to make Minato stay.

"Make sure you find the woman just for you, like I had with Kushina," Minato said, "It is what Kushina would want for you, and make sure you make some friends, as Kushina would also want that for you. And try and be nice to Kyuubi over here, although he can be a little douche,"

"Hey! I heard that, peasant!" The Kyuubi screamed at the brat's disrespect.

"Remember who sealed you," Minato said in a witty comeback, which left the Kyuubi speechless for a while. Minato continued, "He is basically the only one who can understand you at a basic level because he almost faced torment from the world for over a thousand years. Another regret that me and Kushina faced, we weren't necessarily kind to the Bijuus," Minato said, regretfully.

"And one last thing, this one is a personal request," Minato said, before continuing after Naruto nodded, "Please, become stronger than I ever was, so nothing like this will ever happen again. So nobody has to go through what you went through, or are currently going through," Naruto nodded at that before saying his goodbyes to his father.

A tear left both the males eyes, before Minato's signature left the area completely, no sign of him ever being there in the first place.

"I really hate human emotions. Welp, that's enough for me today, goodbye. Another thing, try not to die next time. You are lucky I am able to give you my chakra at any time I so please, if not, you would have died multiple times over again," the Kyuubi said before Naruto blacked out again, this time returning to the conscious realm.


Naruto woke up from a beeping sound. This time when he looked around at his surroundings, it wasn't a sewer, but a hospital room, which Naruto was willing to argue was worse, as he hated hospitals.

"You finally are awake," a familiar voice spoke up, Naruto realizing their presence.

"Sensei-danzo?" Naruto asked, which he was rewarded with a nod when Danzo came into his peripheral view.

"Did I do it?" Naruto asked, which he received a bob of the head.

"Yes, you did receive an injury that would have killed any normal person, if it weren't for your abnormal healing factor, you would have died a gruesome death," Danzo said sarcastically, which made Naruto look at Danzo dryly.

"No, I mean did I kill the snake?" Naruto asked again.

"Yes, you did kill the snake. And, I think we may have found out one of your affinities when you killed the snake," Danzo stated matter-of-factly.

Naruto had a question though, "affinities? Like, I can shoot out fire, or cut something with wind?" Naruto asked curiously, which Naruto confirmed his suspicions.

"Yes, although I don't know about those two, we do know that you can electrocute a snake, and telling by the burns, I am assuming your affinity to lightning is strong," Danzo said, his hand on his chin thoughtfully.

"So, when will I be learning my new affinity?" Naruto asked, also placing his hand on his chin, mimicking Danzo.

"Not for a while, as we need you to get the basics down before you can learn the hard stuff," Danzo said, which left Naruto disappointed.

"But fear not, you progress fast in your training, so it shouldn't take you long," Danzo said, which made Naruto proud at the slight praise.

"Well, let's let you heal and sleep first before we throw you back into training, then after a couple of more days of training, i'll send you back on a mission, which shouldn't be as difficult as the one you were just on," Danzo said, which Naruto nodded at.

Naruto's eyes shone with determination, as he couldn't wait at the prospect of training and becoming stronger than before.

'Dad, just you wait, I'll be as strong as you in no time,' Naruto thought as his eyes shut closed, blackness encasing over his whole frame once more, for the third time this day.


A/N: Yo, ZiixlZ here, just came out with the next chapter, I don't know what I'll do with the one after this one, I'll let you guys decide though. Do you want me to a big time skip? Or do you want me to do something else?

I don't really have anything to say, although I still don't know what his pairing will be, so I'll guess I'll let you come up with that. I am not doing a harem, because they are overrated in my opinion.

I usually do no pairing fics because I am not experienced in writing love stories, but I'll let you guys decide on it.

Well, I am going to leave, bon voyage.

ZiixlZ out. Oh yeah, I don't own Naruto.

Word count- 2182 words