Chapter 12

When the alarm went off, Alanna changed clothes to go to work. She opted for a gray dress, knee-length, not too tight, as it was tailored, but accompanied by a belt to accentuate her slim waist a little. She put on a pair of not-too-high, black shoes and pulled her hair into a half ponytail. The initial plan was to send a message to Faolán as soon as the day broke, but she chose to take care of her business at the company first, and then call him. That way, in addition to being able to organize her own thoughts better, she would give him one more chance to explain himself without her having to ask.

When she reached the Paradise floor, the secretary told her that the Irish representatives were already in the meeting room, waiting for her. Alanna thanked her and went straight there. She had a feeling that something 'big' was going to happen.