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Chapter 35

Alanna was speechless for a few seconds, trying to process that information.

"Oh, and for what reason?" She managed to ask, but her voice came out a little weird. She glanced at Tyr, who was frowning.

"Mr. Duncan, father of Mr. Tyr has decided he doesn't want a change of location. He didn't give details, just asked me to inform him of his decision." The lawyer really didn't know Tyr's father's motivation and she couldn't take her frustrations out on the man.

"I understand. I will speak to him myself." She said.

"I don't know if that would be a good idea, Miss Doyle." The woman who was following it all said, as if she was giving advice.

"It's because?"

"Miss, Mr. Duncan said that if his company insists on it, he'll take all his investments out of here. He will end your society in Europe." The lawyer was the one who answered and Alanna blinked a few times as the information settled in her mind.