She is hurt!

Once Sora reached inside her villa's gate Reyhaan turned from the corner. He was calm outside but had tornadoes inside in his head! He stepped on the gas and did not stop until he reached his mansion located in the heart of the city.

Krish was pacing back and forth in the living room in tension while Jacob has a stoic expression on his face. There was a doctor also present in the hall with a worried expression. Reyhaan came inside the living room and Krish jumped on him with his questions.

"Hey! How are you? What happened there? I heard from Jacob, you saved Miss Sora from some goon! Is this true? I swear that idiot will not survive this! I will...", he was about to speak more but Reyhaan just cut him off. He looked in the eyes of Jacob and with gritted teeth he spoke,

"I want that person out of the city who tried to harm her! It seems he knows her so must be from the same college. Take care of him!", Jacob understood what is the meaning of taking care in this context. He left once he got assurance from a doctor that he is fine and there is no serious matter.

The doctor was also shocked after observing his back, but he thought it must be a little hot water splashed that is why just his skin got red patches here and there. The ointment which was applied is also highly recommended for such burns.

"My Lord, the person who applied the medicine must have knowledge of medicines as this ointment was prescribed mostly by skilled dermatologists!", he assured.

Reyhaan nodded thinking it must be her smooth hands who applied ointment and hence his pain faded quickly as before it was stingy. He left for his room and changed after freshening up.

After some time, Krish walked into Reyhaan's room and knock on the door, and said "It's me."

There was no response. Krish blinked his eyes. This is not good!

"Please?", Krish's voice has urgency now!

"Come in", he got Reyhaan's very quiet reply came from inside the room. If not for Krish's sharp ears and the fact that he worked with Reyhaan for a long time, he would have missed it for sure.

He slowly opened the door and stepped inside. "Reyhaan?" The scene in front of him was not good. Reyhaan was lying on the couch with his arm over his head. He gracefully got up and looked outside from his room window. Then he pursed his lips and looked at Krish. He seemed too gloomy as if dark clouds were looming over his head. The depressing atmosphere was too hard to bear.

"Reyhaan, I know how do you feel at this time. But please bear with it. We can't back out now!", as Reyhaan was in a horrible mood Krish tried to pacify him.

'This is the first time I am seeing Reyhaan so moody', Krish thought, but still, he tried to lift his mood.

Before he can say a word, "She is hurt! Because of me!", Reyhaan spoke as he felt disappointed how she left without turning back. 'At least she should have spared him an angry glance but she just left.' is what Reyhaan was thinking. The stiffening feeling enveloped his chest again. The scene replayed in his mind endlessly as if it got stuck to him like a broken recorder.

Watching the disappointed look on his face, Krish hurriedly went over to his side, "Don't think too much! In the end, everything will be fine!", listening to this his stiffened body relaxed and his gaze softened.

"En...", Reyhaan beamed.