
Reyhaan looked at her in a daze, "En...If you liked it then she will also like it!"

Reyhaan took her towards the center of the decoration where a small table is also decorated with rose petals and in between a heart-shaped chocolate truffle cake was kept with vanilla icing and on the cake, it was written - 'Happy anniversary!'

'Huh! She also likes chocolate it seems!' when Sora was in her thought,

Krish hurriedly came and chirped, "Okay, she can come anytime so let's hide behind that bush Sora. We can take some pics of how this guy proposes to her! This is so romantic! Awww!"

Reyhaan rolled his eyes at this drama queen. He nodded to Sora for the same and both Sora and Krish started to strode towards a thick bush where both can hide and can see the area where Reyhaan was standing.

Sora looked around and saw that nobody else was present in this huge mansion. She expected at least some helpers or maids should be present. She saw many bodyguards on her way to the entrance of the mansion but nobody stopped her as if they already knew she is coming.

Sora: "Who else stays in the mansion except for you and Reyhaan?"

Krish: "There are some bodyguards and servants. Why?"

Sora: "Then why no one is present inside the mansion?"

Krish: "Ahh. That you see, Reyhaan doesn't want any interruption. After preparing all servants are asked to go to their quarters which is behind the mansion and bodyguards are out of the mansion!"

Sora: "En. Actually, we will also leave after a few pics. We suppose to give them privacy, right? I will just adjust this camera so that we can get a clear view. Hold on a second why Reyhaan is not at his place? Is he gone to escort his lady?"

When this conversation was taking place certain someone already sneakily left his place and already came behind Sora!

Even after asking questions and Krish was silent for a moment Sora tried to look behind her but before she can see him a hand closed her eyes. And maybe the same person's other hand holds her waist while pulling her a little near to him! Confusion was evident on her face. She does not kick the person who was holding her as she knew who is that person!

"Happy Almost One Month Anniversary!", Reyhaan smoothly said in her ears and pulled her near to him.

Sora was shocked and surprised. Hold on! What is happening here? Where is his childhood Sweetheart? Is not it the sweet proposal from his side to her?

When he removed his hands from her eyes his velvety voice chirped, "BOO! Surprise!"

Sora thought like who am I, a kid? She wants to chuckle but currently, her mind was spinning like a whirlwind with many questions. She does not see that they were so close that she was in his embrace and her hands were on his shirt. He already snaked both hands on her waist and he was giving her a light smirk!

After some moments when Sora came to her senses, and now she joined all the dots that he is celebrating her and his one-month anniversary she stammered, "Te..tell me..who...whose anniversary you are celebrating?"

Reyhaan: "Ours!"

Sora: "You asked me here to celebrate our...OUR one-month anniversary?"

Reyhaan: "Yes!"

Sora blinked her eyes! She wants to trust his words but she needs to confirm it!

Sora: "Then what about your child...hood sweet...heart?", she asked last words all in a whisper.

Reyhaan tilted his head, "Who?"

Sora: "Your childhood crush! What about her?"

Reyhaan: "Amm, I don't have any childhood girlfriend!"

Sora asked with a pout, "Then what was that since last two days?"

Reyhaan: "I lied! I am Sorry! There is no childhood friend!"

He pursed his lips and spoke with a straight face! It was like lightning struck her head and now she is not able to handle it! Her innocent Reyhaan lied to her which was an utter shock!

Sora: "Why did you lie?"

Reyhaan: "To surprise you!"

Sora: "Huh?"

Reyhaan: "I am sorry again! Actually, I heard your and Miss Rubina's conversation in the common lounge that day! About your dream proposal, if someone proposed to you how it will be! I should have not eavesdropped..."

Sora was numb and again joined all remaining dots yet she has a question.

Sora: "Okay! I got it, got it, how you get this idea of dream proposal but still why did you lie about your girlfriend?"

Reyhaan: "I don't want to, I swear! It was Krish's idea to create my fake childhood crush!"

Sora now wanted to bang Krish's head on the wall. 'Argh! Krish! You just wait and watch! You gave this idea to my descent Reyhaan! No wonder he was acting strangely in the last two days!'

Sora: "So it was also his idea to distant yourself from me?", she asked in a chilling tone even though Reyhaan felt that chill. Reyhaan frantically nodded yes.

Somewhere in the other parts of the mansion, Krish sneezed, 'Achoo!'

He merrily chirped to Jacob, "Yo brother! It seems, Reyhaan is happy with my idea and must be praising me in front of Sora!"

Ignorance is bliss! Right now he is away from Sora so he is certainly in bliss.


Author: I know the same kind of proposals you must have read in other books, but still thank you for reading my version too!