He is the one!

She immediately call her sister Myra not understanding her body reaction.

"Hello little sis, after long time you remember me?", Myra spoke in her pouted but excited tone at the same time.

When Sora left her town to search other mana hair, it became almost rare to call her sister. Once in a while her sister called her. Sora usually called her father just to give him updates about her work and how she took care of rebellious people so that her father will proceed further.

"Sis, listen to me first, it's urgent!", Sora exclaimed.

Hearing her tone Myra immediately turned into serious and asked,"What happened?"

"He is back", Sora spoke in calm tone.

"Who?", Myra asked suspiciously as she does not get good vibes on this.

"Reyhan...",Sora said and immediately take her mobile away from her ear. Sora knows what is coming next.

"Whaaaaat..?I mean when, how and you are telling me this now?", Myra almost jumped from her seat and shouted.

Once her voice calmed down Sora again keep her mobile to her ear and told her all the story from the beginning when he came back and how they encountered again.

"Two and half months is too long to stay back for your affection Sora. He is something for sure! Even you treated him bad bad way, humiliated him still he cares for you. I am envious of you now, hmph!", Myra rolled her eyes when she spoke and teased her sister.

"It hurts me too! I am not enjoying it", Sora mumbled little in frustration.

"Humm, what you are doing is for his good. Then are you planning to hurt him emotionally?", Myra asked her worriedly.

"How can I even do that. Every time he just counters me with his love and care. Even he can see through me that something is bothering me and hence I am pushing him away.", Sora told her without a breath.

"Many times I saw him inside the compound of my villa , stood in the gazebo and looking for my room's window just to see me! And once he sees me, he left." Sora sighed.

"So he does not know but to go from that place you purposefully come to your window?", Myra again teased her.

"Humm, what can I do if he is so stubborn!", Sora countered.

"Okay, now I had fair idea what is happening in my sister's life. So why did you call me today? Something happened?"

"I got..ki..kissed by him today!", Sora stuttered her ears flushed red.

"Ohhhh...wait what? How did he? I mean is he alive or hospitalized?", Myra was surprised and shocked at the same time.

"Yes, he is very much alive. And he is good. I did not punch him. What you are asking?", Sora replied with question.

"As to intimate with you that person need to be as powerful as you. When he kissed you, even though you approved him and allow him to do it, your powers always resist that person if he is normal human or less as compared to you. Are you sure he is breathing?", Myra spoke worriedly.

"But nothing like this happened before also. Even I told you when we were intimate with each other last year my body just got hot, but today was first time he kissed me after my powers fully channelized. But nothing happened in fact I tried to push him but he stood like mountain. When I tried hard he moved. I am not sure a human can posses such power or it's his love that is powerful?", Sora was so confused now.

"If nothing happened then it's really good. But one thing is sure he is strong enough to hold you and about your power I am sure it's his love that your power accepted. Else that person would have burned like last time someone tried to force his way on you!", Myra answered with her conclusion.

"Humm..", Sora.

Myra asked her in teasing way,"Anyway, How do you feel at that time as it is your first kiss? Ohh it got stolen by the way, hehe."

"I..I am not sure but the way he kissed me I felt like I am floating on clouds", Sora whispered.

"But I also feel hot too! It started to increase my temperature and his too. I did not get what is happening with me. I did not know what to do so I ..", Sora trailed last statement.

"So you what?", Myra was enjoying her sister dilemma and wants to know further.

"I...I ran away", Sora stuttered again as if she was guilty.

"Oh my god and here I thought that kiss got deepened and something more happened, and you will tell me that spicy story to talked about!",Myra laughed loudly in her room.

"Nothing that happened, he only kissed me, I did not!", Sora puffed her cheeks.

"Okay there there! I will not tease you now. But think about it Sora, he might be the only one for you. As your powers did not affect him bad way or at least it looks like that or may be you controlled them at that time hence he might be okay. So if you work on controlling your emotions which are linked with your powers then you both can work together",Myra advised her sister.

"I..I am not sure but will think about it!", Sora sighed and cut her call.