Distinct memory

Once upon a time, how your mother asks you not to go to certain places as it's forbidden to enter? But the word forbidden is big to decipher for almost seven years old Reyhan.

Reyhan's mom asked Reyhan not to ever cross that particular mansion and go to the secluded lake which is ahead ever. It was other's territory she had said and we are hiding here. When he asked why then she told him, it is always better to hid in enemy's territory so that he can't search for us.

But what an excited and Reyhan as a child knew the meaning of the word 'crossing the border' when he was flooding in the curiosity?

Like always curiosity got the best of Reyhan when it was kid Reyhan. He crossed that mansion and entered the so-called haunted lake. The little did Reyhan knew it would haunt him for as long as he can remember.

While from other side there was a brave and courageous girl around five year who was roaming freely as if that silence and eerie nature is nothing but her friends. Actually she was following a few people who just came from her villa after visiting her father to lake side instead of leaving from her estate.

The lake was secluded, silent, so eerie so the forest near by, and creaking sounds of fireflies were not surprised for the little lady. Wasn't it how the lake appeared in the horror movies? She felt alert and at the same time she heard something and stopped. She looked around with sharp gaze on her face and strode towards directions where it came from.

A Scream, it was from a small boy.

Those who came from her villa had captured a boy who looked little shocked as those not looked good to him. But they already felt his strong mana around him and were having that evil smiles on their faces.

They already figured his mana which was layered too thick and one with higher powers can recognize it. Even all of them were negative mana people staying in that area still this boy has courage to live near to them and roam in their territory is another level of stupidity they thought.

"Look who we found, he seems to be powerful of his kind."

"Yes, if we can suck all his mana, so we can at least able to defeat that girl who has already channelized her powers! We are no match to her even though she is just a kid. I saw her how she was able to mold the elements."

"Hum, but his powers are not channelized it seems and he looked like he doesn't know who he is to freely roam here."

"Let him be, we can take all his mana"

"He will die if we suck his mana as he is kid he can't survive ritual."

"Does it matter, we need power. She had already suspected us even she is just a kid!"

"Don't forget who is she, she might be our next queen."

"But how come he is here? Who are you boy?"

Reyhan was already trying to escape from their clutches. Even though he was a kid, he has tremendous strength but they were many and they injured him.

"I will not tell you who I am!"

"As expected, but don't you know whose territory it is?"

"I don't know, my mother just told me don't go near the lake.", Reyhan still tried and got again injured on leg by one of them as he hit him a slap so Reyhan felt down.

"Enough...", came sharp reply from that girl who were assessing all the plot happening behind the tree.

All those flinched on their place when they heard her.

"My..lady", one of them stuttered in horror. Others almost backed off from Reyhan.

"What do you think you all are doing to him?", her voice was cold enough to send a chill to their spines.

"Nothing..my lady. This boy were trying to enter in our territory and he is not of our kind. He must be enemy", one of them reasoned.

Suddenly she stared in all of them and specifically in their eyes, "Forget about him. Leave him alone and go back." As if she hallucinated them and ordered, all nodded silently as if zombied by her.

"Now SCRAM!", her cold eyes were like a death glare to them. They left without any argument. Reyhan saw all this in awe, thinking he should have posses the same power like her.

She walked in his direction and stood near him. She stared at him for few minutes without blinking. In the moon light, she could make out his facial features. His hair was ink-black, his nose was straight and beautiful, his eyes color was emerald green, like dark forest shining under sunlight. Those warm eyes held the warmth of the winter sun and her hazel blue eyes felt attracted to them.

"W-who are you?" Reyhan faked the courage though he was failing in it miserably.

"Don't worry, I'm not a ghost," came a direct reply in a sweet and chirpy voice by her. That cold look was replaced by warmness.

"Are you hurt?", she asked him softly.

She noticed, he was knelt and his left leg was injured. She sat on the ground to a level equal to him and touched his injured knee with her soft and clean hands and closed her eyes. Once she touched him it started to heal him with her life force. Reyhan saw her in amusement.

So she can control people and can heal too. She is just like him but he can't use his power as per his own will but she can.

"What's your name?" Little Reyhan asked her.

"Sora!", she smiled and that bright smile warmed his heart.