Rules in love

"As per your wish outside I will not interfere in your decision or will not show any affection but in our me time, I want all authority...especially in the bedroom...and in the bed", Reyhan spoke in his husky voice looking straight at her eyes.

" I mean what are you talking about? We are not living together so what kind of authority do you want?", Sora exclaimed.

"I said in our me time means whenever we will be together after office or like today we are going to sleep here in our bedroom. Oh, consider this bedroom ours. It's not that difficult really..." Sora swear that she could see his eyes sparkling with evil.

"You got to be kidding me...we are not planning to go ahead in physical intimacy than kissing and hugging okay. Why can't you see, we are yet to solve this problem of ours.", Sora muttered.

"I wish I was. It's not just intimacy. Don't you want me? As lovers, I wish we should be together. Trust me I will not go ahead if you don't want but we will at least try what we can do. So when my innate powers will be exposed then I can know how to react near to you", Reyhan said with a smile.

After thinking a while Sora knew he is also right at his place.

"I am not sure about this but okay!", Sora whispered.

"Trust me, you will only feel pleasure.", Reyhan's eyes shade turned somewhat bright.

Sora nodded and after some silence, she spoke.

"I also want something from you. I want you to trust me completely while making a decision regarding outsiders who can attack you. Even though they are your enemies they can be of my kind so I will take a decision."

Reyhan nodded to that.

"And you will never ask me any questions regarding me. Because I don't want to lie and maybe sometimes you don't want to listen to the truth.", Sora again put her condition.

"Okay. I will always trust you and will never ask you questions that will put you in a dilemma", Reyhan said after a while as he knows why she was putting those conditions.

Reyhan leaned further forward across her and peered into Sora's face with an alluring smile that was only an inch away. Sora felt his eyes on her, watching her every move and she stared back into his beautiful eyes which always she thinks as a black hole.

"And don't hesitate now after we have come all this way...", Reyhan teased with his greedy gaze. For the life of Sora, no matter how she struggled to sit there, she could not look away from his captivating eyes.

Reyhan reached out a hand and touched Sora's right shoulder with the back of his hand before running his fingertips slowly and softly down her right arm.

Sora let out a slight sound and quickly bit her lower lip to silence herself. Since when she became so sensitive to his touch?

The line his fingertips had traced down her arm felt hot even though they are not directly touching her and it was separated with thin fabric. With a satisfied smile on his face, Reyhan lifted her right arm up by her wrist until her right hand was right in front of his face. With his other hand, he began tracing his fingertips in a circular motion on her right palm. Then he caressed each and every finger slowly and patiently.

His touch was as soft as a feather. As his fingertips lightly graze the skin of Sora's body, she felt a soft sound threatening to escape her lips. It felt like the tip of feathers were delicately stroking her skin and she felt goosebumps start to form where his fingers were tracing.

Reyhan repeated the same process with her left arm and hand and as his caresses continued to invade Sora's body, she found it increasingly difficult to keep herself from moaning from his touches.

When he finally let go of her hand, Sora let out a soft sigh of relief. However, her relief was short-lived as his exploring hand traced the side of her right cheek, slowly moving downwards, traveling along the side of her neck…and then down even further…

"Please…Rey..." Sora said, her voice coming out as a whimper.

His fingertips were tracing around her collarbone before they made their way southwards…

"Your body's trembling…and you're breathing faster," Reyhan said as he smiled wickedly at Sora.

"Please…" Sora pleaded softly as his fingers caressed her soft and sensitive skin.

"Is it starting to feel good?" Reyhan asked seductively.

"Um, Rey...Ahhh…" Sora cried out his name before a soft moan escaped from her lips.

Suddenly, his fingertips left her chest as his eyes sought for his next destination. Sora bit her lower lip to keep from moaning out loud when his fingertips started tracing along her right thigh which was dangling on his lap. From her knee, his fingertips slowly started inching upwards. Sora couldn't stop her body from trembling at his soft yet seductive touches.

His emerald eyes watched her every reaction closely as his fingers moved inwards to touch the soft flesh of her inner thigh before continuing its slow and torturous journey upwards. The higher his fingertips slid up Sora's inner thigh, the closer it got to the quivering heat in between her legs.

"Do you want me to touch you there?" Reyhan asked suggestively.

"No...", Sora cried in denial. Sora was embarrassed at how much she knew her body was reacting to his caresses and she wished that she could just run away and vanish.

Her panic reaction only made Reyhan laugh softly as he shook his head at her stubbornness.

"One day soon I'll claim all parts of your tempted body; however, for today, I'll be starting with just this…" Reyhan said with a seductive smile as he kissed the back of her left hand. Sora felt a little relieved but what Reyhan did next made her breath hitch again.

Instead of just kissing her hand, he inserted her little finger into his hot and wet mouth. Sora heard herself moan softly as Reyhan started flicking his tongue gently along her pinky before sucking on it. The inside of his mouth was warm and his tongue rubbing against the skin of her finger felt oddly pleasurable.


Note: If you think this is too early for their intimacy then don't worry they will explore this together and it will take time for their consummation.