I Warned You Not To Touch Me

["Either do your job or hurry up and kill yourselves already."

Hearing this, Saison's face flushed with irritation. "You're not going to act so tough when you're writing in agony, you little worm!"

Holding a red square in his hand, Saison swung his hand aggressively to grab Michael's shoulder.

To his surprise, instead of his hands touching him, they went right through him and he ended up touching Sebastian instead. Immediately after this happened, all hell broke loose.

"Aghhhhhhhhhh! What the hell did you do to me!" Saison screamed.

There was the sound of something searing and a red glow coming from his hand.

In the center of his hand, there was the same red patch but it was peeling away at the edges and it had become more of a circle.

"I warned you not to touch me," Michael said dismissively as if it wasn't his problem. On the inside, he was thanking the heavens for his great luck.

"What's wrong with all of you? Does this crippled boy look like a bodyguard to you?

If I'm alone, it means that I made it past a death tester, or whatever the freak called himself, and walked out here alone.

You do this for a living so you should know this." Michael scoffed mockingly. As he said these words, the Swap Clone sequence was activated.

While Saison was shaking and writhing in agony, Dikines and Eloguent stood there in shock. They too realized their arrogant mistake.

After pointing out this fact he swiped the air in front of him with a six-stroke combination and reached his hands into his item storage container.

After his arm reappeared from the warped space, he pulled out a normal bottle of water.

"Hah. Look at you, a bunch of professionals shell shocked that your friend is screaming like a little bitch. Idiots.

Hey dumbass, here's a bottle of water. A grown man crying is not what I came here to see. I wouldn't mind hearing a bear like Beardy crying like that, though…" He said in a sadistic tone, executing the program.

He tossed the bottle in the direction of Saison's burning hand. Reflexively he tried to catch it, only to realize his grave mistake.

The plastic instantly melted to his hand and steam exploded out of the bottle.

The gas explosion instantly burned his eyes and face upon contact.

While the cyber contacts he was wearing were technically shielding his eyes, they weren't a defense item. You can't harden something that's supposed to be flexible.

Saison instantly fell to his knees and started screeching as he brought his left hand to his eyes. He looked like the melodramatic protagonist in the last scene of an opera.

"There's three of us and only you and a cripple boy. Do you really think you can take us?

Hah. We're going to tie that boy up with your intestines while we're on the way to the slave traders." Dikines roared as he unsheathed his claymore.

"It's clear you can't count, there's two of you. Also, can you hold that sword with one hand? Your lack of situational awareness is concerning." Michael laughed in a condescending tone.

When Dikines looked down, his right hand's fingers started to dissolve before his eyes.

They weren't actually dissolving, this was the first layer of cloning his appearance on top of Dikines.

The light waves were bending around his fingers in such a way that allowed him to see what was on the other side.

Think of seeing your back by looking at a mirror in front of you while there's a mirror behind you. It's like that but it's more complicated and a hell of a lot cooler.

At the moment, he was seeing his fingers missing and the hilt's grip underneath.

Panicking he released the hilt of the sword with his right hand. Sure enough, the blade clanged on the ground when both hands weren't supporting it.

"Are you a fan of phantom pain, beardy? It's pretty surreal when all of your nerve endings are being obliterated to the point where you don't realize they're even gone, isn't it? " Michael said with a cruel voice.

As he said these words he walked five paces away from Sebastian who was still standing, facing forward, as instructed.

"What the fuck did you do to me!?" He screamed aggressively, sending murderous eyes to Michael.

"Doing. If you don't drop that sword and stop threatening me your whole body is going to look like that." Michael said harshly.

Dikines complied. Unfortunately for him, this was the worst mistake he could have possibly made.

If his left hand became invisible while still holding the sword, Michael's phantom pain bluff would be immediately realized. Now that it wasn't, he couldn't tell.

"Elise, stop oscillation manipulation on the arms and focus on all areas that he cannot see. Is the mist enough?" He whispered inaudibly.

"Already on it! Also, it's not around him, but if someone makes it into the zone we can conjure a mirage. If it's Tweak over there, he's stupid enough to swing at it directly. Muwahahaha!

…You look busy, call me later, kay? Mmmmmuah!~"

All light distortion around Dikines came to an end. Elise was even extra enough to create a visual distortion in the light oscillations that reflected a cauterized wound.

This illusion prevented other people from realizing it was a light trick as well.

This sounds like a ridiculous "yeah, right" type of operation but it's not ridiculous at all.

While the scale of linear algebraic and calculus-related equations required to just make the arm disappear was ridiculous, this number of calculations was only a fraction of what was required to make an NPC walk, talk, and interact with people in this world.

Machine learning and deep learning algorithms were already processing billions of data points in the first couple of decades of the 21st century.

By that point, all of this technology was already established for use in the real world at a fundamental level.

In fact, that level of computing was far more advanced. To recreate the invisibility occurring, hardware needed to change electromagnetic waves in the physical world to achieve this effect.

This required a program to collect external data and preprocess it for computing, perform these calculations, then command physical hardware to perform an action.

Software doing this operation on a computer was cake in comparison.

The Nerve Network was made out of software and Elise was a compiled program. From a calculational computing perspective, a standard handheld smart key could accomplish what she was doing.

Elise didn't make Alyx Grey a cheat character. It was the opposite.

[He made her a cheat]

He wasn't given an unfair advantage in this world—he gave everything he came in contact with an unfair advantage. Things walked into his life and walked out cheats.

As for Elise, he turned a basic handheld device into a battle-thirsty war god.]