The Heathen

"You said you carried around the tweaker's arm alongside with the Brawlers' weapons. How exactly did you do that? I'm simply dying to know how someone without an enhanced body could pull that off." The woman asked in a mocking tone.

"That… so what happened was…"

[ A crowd had naturally gathered around the fight as it was happening. This was Dark Paradise, an amusement park where rich people came to watch things like this happen.

Powerful people usually turn into vultures during these altercations—this event was no exception.

A few Brawlers and a Quirk showed up and patiently waited until it was over. However, despite their power, no one dared move past the outer circle.

Statistically speaking, the reason they weren't moving in had to do with Michael.

Michael was covered in blood from head to toe. He was thankful that the gravity patch acted as a tourniquet when Tweak ripped his arm off. Otherwise, he'd be under mild Red Out effects at the moment.

Nevertheless, the blood on him effectively communicated that he was responsible for the circus that had just occurred. If that wasn't enough—

"Oui... not bad. I have to say, I respect ya, kid. It's too bad that you're still a fuckin' twat."

That's what Dikines said as Michael walked over to him.

Two Brawlers started closing in on their position, but Dikines shot them down.

"Oui! Don't you dare come near this kid, you lot of fuckin' pikeys!" He roared. "This boy is officially under the protection of the Dragon's Brigade!"

After Dikines said this, he ripped down his shirt to show the faction brand on his chest. When they saw this, the men stopped in their tracks.

"Not that this lil cuck needs anyone's protection. You lot of fuckin' animals saw what happened, didn't ya?

Two Dragon's Brigade Officers and one dumb fuckin' Lieutenant went against this God-dammed heathen and his cripple boy just a few minutes ago.

Now there's three cripples, one dead fucker, and one standin' heathen." He laughed with a royal voice filled with self-deprecation and dignity.

The Brawlers looked at each other confused. They looked from Dikines to Tweak and then back to Dikines. Wasn't it you and the other guy fighting? That's what they were thinking.

They hadn't seen the beginning, and Michael had released the Swap Clone after Tweak died. So, naturally, they were confused.

"Hah. Look at all ye dumb fuckin' faces right now. A bit nostalgic ain't it tiny?" Dikines asked with a bitter smile on his face.

Michael nodded with respect.

"Since I don't want a bunch of stupid vulture bodies stinkin' up my death site, I'll explain what just happened to you.

This little prick walked out of the entry point in this alleyway alone with nothin' but that cripple boy there.

Us three stupid bastards didn't think that was abnormal." He chucked.

The Brawlers, Quirk, and the other people looked at each other in confusion.

"Yeah, that's right. Let that sink in. Considering a death tester still ain't walked out that door, it's a firm sign that some other unlucky twat beat us to the afterlife first." He laughed.

Michael was super thankful for the impromptu rally speech. He developed countermeasures for the vultures with Elise during the brawl, but it seemed like they weren't necessary.

"I'll wrap this up and keep it short so you confused idiots can connect the dots.

This dumb fuckin' Lieutenant right here is a dumb fuckin' Lieutenant of the Dragon's Brigade.

The heathen did some shit that no one saw, and it ripped his damn arm off. Of course, no one saw what he did because the bastard was invisible.

I only saw him because he got splattered with all that blood you see on him right now." Saying this, Dikines coughed and put on a dazzling mocking smile.

The Brawlers looked at Michael and then the arm lying on the ground. It finally sunk in that Dikines wasn't just talking through his teeth.

"Not only was the bloody bastard invisible he put his voice and image on top of my damn body! That's why this dumb fuckin' Lieutenant attacked me after taking Red Out."

It was at that moment that everyone looked at Michael with wide eyes.

Michael sighed inwardly. He was much less grateful for Dikines rally speech now.

Cloning and invisibility were far from the only things he was capable of, but they were his lifeline for not getting slaughtered in half a second.

"In fact, I doubt that's his actual body and I doubt he's even a fuckin' kid. Hell, I doubt the heathen's even human. He's a god damned monster, he is!" He exclaimed before bursting into laughter.

"Ain't that right, Saison! Fucker didn't even need to touch you. Looked to me like you touched him and your hand exploded! I ain't never seen someone get blinded by a bottle of water, neither. Hawhawhawhawa!" He bellowed.

"Shut the hell up you asshole!" Saison screamed while his eyes were still shut, and he nurtured his burnt hand.

"Hoh! This is the first time I've ever heard you cuss your pretentious twat." He continued.

The Brawlers backed away when they heard what had happened to Saison.

Dikines looked at them with a pissed-off expression. "Eh? You think he just knocked us on our ass with some fancy illusions or something?

You're a bunch of fuckin' animals. Get out of my sight before the Dragon's Brigade shows up to clean up our corpses." He sneered.

All of the vultures backed away.

"Thanks for lettin' me yap for a second. Needed a good laugh before I hit the bucket." He laughed. "Here, take this kid."

Dikines threw his sword in front of Michael's feet.

Michael smiled seeing this. Now that the vultures backed away, he could get to work.

It was rare for him to find someone with dignity in a hell hole he ended up in, so he looked upon him kindly.

"You're not a bad one your self, beardy. But you're still an idiot." He chucked.

"Guess I am, ain't I?" He chuckled.

Michael made six finger strokes in front of him to unlock his item storage. He pulled out two rubber gloves, a thick transparent roll of ribbon, and a bottle of water.

"Oui! What's all that shit for, ey? You ain't gonna perform an autopsy on me here are ye?" Dikines asked with an incredulous face and a slightly aggressive voice. ]