Jungwon - Baby Leader pt.2

Enhypen POV

It was nearly 3 am in the morning. Everyone couldn't sleep as our leader isn't home. Niki was starting to act weird as he thought about all the possible things that could happen to his hyung. Unable to hold himself back, he went into their room and called their manager. Everyone had their eyes on Niki before realising what he was doing.

"Hi, manager-nim. Jungwon hyung has not reached home, we are getting worried about him. Is he with you?" The tension in the room was getting heavy, before Niki heaved a sigh of relief, giving the members a thumbs up. "Yes, Jungwon is with me, we met with an issue just now, but we are making a trip somewhere before I send him back, ok? If the rest are worried, you can tell them Jungwon is with me, and he is fine, ok?"Manager-nim told Niki. "Ok, hyung. But it's 3.30 in the morning, where can you guys possibly go-" "The hospital. I'll talk to you guys later, ok? There is alot of people at the hospital-" Before the manager got cut off, Niki shouted, "Hospital?! Why! Jungwon hyung is hurt- Hello? Hello?" The manager hung up before he could ask anymore.

"What?? Jungwon is at the hospital?? Oh no, "Heeseung replied. "Manager - nim said that they were at the hospital, but I hope it is not because of hyungie, " Niki muttered. "He wouldn't do anything stupid to land himself there, ...right?"Sunoo asked, in fear. "He can't be hurt, not now. We are having a comeback soon, this can't be happening, he's our leader," Jake mentioned. "I think... it was what he said just now. He wanted encouragement, and we didn't give it to him. He is our second youngest, and we probably didn't give him enough affection." Jay replied, worried.

Manager POV

I hung up after Niki started to question me, as the doctor called for me. I walked in to see Jungwom's hand in a cast. I was in a little shock, but eventually calmed down. "Doctor, how is he?" I asked. "Jungwon's body needs rest, especially his arm. Mainly bruises everywhere, but he broke his forearm, which probably takes a few months to recover. He has 6 stitches here on his forehead, and both his hand and forehead cannot touch water. Other than that, I will prescribe some painkillers for him if the pain gets worse, and regular checkups following this visit. Prior to that, we had to replace his entire bone with a metal plate, so if he accidentally moves his arm, it is normal to be in a lot of pain. Just take care and lay off the dancing for awhile, ok Jungwon ah?" The doctor told me and Jungwon.

Jungwon POV

I was devastated when I heard the doctor say that, but I will definitely get better to perform with my members again. After an hour, we could finally leave the hospital. After arriving at the door, manager hyung was dropping me off and went back to his home. Before getting off, I told him. "I lost. A bet. If only one of the members said they loved me, I wouldn't be like this." That was all I said before getting off.

Making my way to the door, I couldn't help but shed tears. Did the hyungs really not love me? I worked really hard though. Noticing that my hands are filled, one cast, the other with my medicine box, I rang the doorbell. Multiple footsteps came rushing down the hallway, until the door opened.

"Hello, how can I hel- oh my god, Jungwon ah," The members were shocked when they saw me. Bloodshot eyes, a casted hand, and my belongings in the other hand. I went in, took off my shoes and walked quickly to our room, with them following me. Feeling my tears about to come out again, I rushed to put the medicine box on the table before rushing into the bathroom, locking the door.

"Jungwon ah!" Multiple knocks and bangs were outside the door, and everything became silent when I shouted, "Just shut up and leave me alone!"

Enhypen POV

We all went running after Jungwon, he seemed to be in pain like he was about to cry. "What happened, Jungwon ah," Heeseung asked. He did not answer, but his little sniffles could be heard through the door. He was crying. After a few minutes, we heard the water running, and he finally came out, to all of us sitting outside the toilet.

Before he could walk away, we grabbed him gently and got him to lie on his bed, comfortably before questioning him.

Jungwon POV

They tucked me into my bed, and that was when I knew I couldn't run from them. "What happened," Jay asked, again. "I lost. A bet."I stated simply. "What?? What bet..." "A bet that you guys actually love me for who I am, and not some weirdo that PD nim picked up on the street. The bullies, in school, didn't believe I was a leader and wanted me to record a snip of one of you saying that you love me, but all I got was being called a weirdo. And I was told I deserved it. Because I lost, I got beaten up." I decided to not hold back, and tell them exactly how we got into this situation. "Wait... Was this because of what happened...just now? When you wanted us to tell you we love you??"Jake asked. I could only nod silently.

As I laid on my back, my arm was starting to ache. "Wait a minute," I said as I jumped out of bed. Sweat started to drip down my side as I rushed to the medicine box to grab painkillers. The members ran to help me, getting me water and helping me to sit down. After taking the painkillers, I sat on the chair, with my eyes closed. "It really hurts," I muttered. "What hurts? Your hand? Your head? How bad is your body now, Jungwon ah," Sunghoon asked, concerned. With tears, I told them, "I can't do the comeback with you guys. I'm sorry about what happened. If only I proved that you guys cared for me, maybe I could be... in better shape. I need 3 months to heal my broken arm. My head needs 3 weeks before the stitches can be removed. I'm handicapped now. Do you guys find me a burden more now? I'm so useless," I spoke.

The silence was in the room for a minute before Heeseung spoke, "You... got beaten up because we didn't tell you...We love you?...I'm sorry, Jungwon ah, if I had known, I would definitely told you, that I love you, to the moon and back." I was taken aback as the others looked at me like they agreed with what heeseung hyung said. "I'm sorry," I muttered. feeling bad. "I'm sorry we acted that way just now, do you forgive us?" They looked at me with puppy eyes. I couldn't hold back my laughter as I just went in for a hug.

"How are you feeling? Painful?" "I'm ok hyung, just a broken bone, and some stitches." "But you are still hurt, my baby, "Jay and Jake said.

Since then, they helped to nurse Jungwon back to health, becoming one happy family again, not letting Haknyeon escape his punishment as well.

Jungwon's real words :"I will not be who I am today without my Enhypen Hyungs. Thank you hyungie, I love you <3"