Sunoo - Heart pt.1

𝘓𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵, 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘰𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦.

Sunoo has a secret, that he is sick. Unwell. The members do not know about this of course, and neither do they know it's stress related. Recently, they were starting to prepare for a new comeback, and everyone was excited, but anxious and stressed. They were about to comeback in 2 months, so everyone was working hard learning the choreography.

However, it has been 2 years since he had chest pain, the side effect of this disease, that will not take his life, but he will be in pain. Thinking that he was well already, Sunoo being himself, puts in his 120% effort, working himself "till he drops".

He was hoping to be the member that would rock this comeback. Like Jungwon during Let Me In, Niki during Fever, like Jay during Blessed Cursed and Heeseung during Given Taken. He wanted to be the star, to feel better about himself. Thinking it would be alright, he starts to give up his meals, his sleep, to perfect the dance.

1 day. 2 days. 3 days. Day after day, Sunoo would be practicing non-stop, and he won't even be going back to the dorms to even take a bath, or change his clothes for the new day. That Thursday, he practiced from 12am Wednesday night, to Saturday 9.30am. He could feel his body screaming at him to stop, and for once take a nap, but he chose to ignore, until that same ache resonated from his chest. His chest pain was back, harder than ever.

Gripping his chest, he falls to his knees, struggling to get back up. Running to his bag, he lunges for his container of so called "vitamin c pills", swallowing 2 pills at a go. Turns out, those so called 'vitamin' pills contained his medicine. His heart disease medicine, to reduce the pain he feels. Taking the pain as a warning, he takes a cab home.

Getting home, he realises 2 of his hyungs were awake. Jay and Heeseung, staring at him walking in. Not planning on talking to them, he rushes to take his clothes and towel to shower. "Sunoo ah-" Slam. Sunoo slams the bathroom door on them, leaving them confused.

After changing into a fresh pair of clothes, he opens the bathroom door, to Jay and Heeseung surrounding him, carrying him to the couch. "Yah, put me down now!" Squirming in Jay's arms, they sat him down. "Why were you not home last night? And you were wearing the same clothes since Thursday." Heeseung asks, confused at the younger's actions.

"I'm ok hyung, I was at my parent's house." Lying through his teeth, he was thankful the two olders bought it. "At least shower and change, ok?" Sunoo gives a grateful smile, before going to the kitchen with Heeseung, for something to eat.

[ Next Day ]

Sunoo continues with that lifestyle, hoping to continue until the comeback arrives. However, Sunoo forgets that he is only human, and his body won't be able to hold out for so long, with eating a meal once every 3 days, and spending all his time practicing.

On a Monday, Sunoo had private physical training and vocal training with the coaches. It was the 2nd day he did not go back home, but figuring out he doesn't have time, he rushes for practice, not eating once again, his body got used to it. Looking at himself in the mirror, Sunoo was shocked. That pale face that lacked any color, slightly bloodshot eyes, and alarmingly thin limbs.

Going to the gym for physical training, he took his own weight, to see he lost 10 kg in less than a month. Instead of it alarming the gym trainer, he was congratulated instead for successfully losing weight. After working out, he felt so worn out, he was about to collapse, but held himself upright for the vocal practice.

After practicing vocals alone, he realized it was 5pm. Too sick to care that he had dance practice with the members, his body fails his mind, clutching his chest as he crumbles to the floor. Thankfully, his manager saw him, worriedly running over. "Sunoo ah!"

Catching him, his pale complexion and severely light body scares the manager. "Hyung.. M... my heart.. it hurts...a lot," Sunoo's words barely left his body as he was about to lose conscious.

Rushing to his car, he drives the car back to the dorm, calling up the company's doctor to the house.

After changing his clothes, wiping him down as he had a high fever, Sunoo was tucked in bed, iv drips connected to him, another 5 more drips packed in the room for him. The doctor then told the manager," His heart disease is taking a toll on him. He is not supposed to push his body so hard. Now that he in such a state, he has to spend an hour everyday, breathing through the medicated oxygen mask, or he may get worse."

Just then, Sunoo's phone rings. The manager picks it up to Jay's voice. "Sunoo ah, did you forget we have practice tod-" "Jay ah, it's me." The manager's voice startles Jay, telling the rest to come home now.

Panic was visible in Jay's voice through the phone, and within the next 30 minutes, the sound of the main door unlocking could be heard.

The members walk in to see only the manager, as the doctor has left. "What happened to Sunoo?!" Heeseung shouts as they walk in to the room to see the manager and Sunoo.

They crowd around his bed, worried to death about his condition. "He has not been eating. He is malnourished, and exhausted. I guess that he has not been sleeping." The 02'z and Heeseung were shock at the number of iv drips placed beside him, and the few tanks of medicated air. "I don't think that's just all, right?" Heeseung could tell.

"I'm sorry about telling you this only now, but Sunoo has a heart disease, only the company's staff and I know." "WHAT?!" Niki was upset and shocked at the confession, but could only accept it.

"I think it is best if you asked him yourself. I should go now," The manager leaves, their attention back to Sunoo. Jungwon could feel guilt gnawing at him, as he knew from the start something was wrong.