
Since Michael's conversation was quite strange in Daniel's eyes, now Daniel seems to be thinking hard with his own thoughts.

"What's wrong? Why do you seem to be quiet after meeting Michael? Did you really think about what Michael said?"

Daniel was silent for a moment hearing Jenni's question, which was true.

"Seems like you have superpowers because you can read my mind," Daniel finally said to Jenni.

The laughter from Jenni could not be contained by the girl.

Honestly, according to Jenni, Daniel's way of thinking was a little easy for her to guess, and for that reason, she was able to guess correctly.

Daniel, who saw Jenni laughing, of course was happy for her, at least he could see Jenni's happy face which he always liked.

"You don't have to think about what Michael said, he just talks nonsense, sometimes he is like that," said Jenni, who was quite familiar with the character of her adopted brother.