Chapter 2

"Surprisingly, this is the second glittering pearl. Where did these pearls come from in this forest? Amr Ayyar said. There was great surprise in his tone. Now he became more interested.

If he has got two pearls from the forest, then surely there may be more pearls here. He looked around carefully and then his idea proved to be correct. At some distance he saw a glow in two different places, then his face opened.

"It seems to me that coming to this forest today has proved to be a good omen for me to find such precious and rare pearls in this forest. Amr Ayyar said in a happy tone. After a while he saw the glow again and he moved fast. he found the fifth pearl, then after a while he started seeing glitter and he started getting glittering pearls from place to place. The pearls were lying in a line. It was as if someone had passed by carrying a bag full of pearls. There was a hole in the bag and the pearls were falling one by one and the owner of these pearls did not know how pearls fell from his bag. Now it was Amr Ayyar's good fortune that he was getting those pearls. He had found pearls so far and is still finding pearls.

He was moving forward and picking up the pearls and putting them in his poach. "It seems that the man who passed by with these pearls did not have a bag of pearls but a whole sack full of pearls which he has dropped so many pearls here." Amr Ayyar said in a happy tone. He had come a long way in the forest. When he found more pearls, he saw a ruin in the forest in front of him. The glitter of pearls was reaching to this ruin. Now he was finding a pearl at every step. "Whoever has these pearls may have come to this ruin. He must have hidden a treasure of glittering pearls in this ruin." He had visited the ruins many times. The ruins were centuries old and had been completely destroyed. Only a basement with a few walls or a couple of rooms was safe. Shining pearls Were being led to the path leading to the basement of the ruins.has gone to the basement. I must go after him. " Amr Ayyar said. At the same time, he covered Solimani's clock (invisibility clock) from his Zanbeel and covered his shoulders. As soon as he was covered, he disappeared. Now he could move on without worrying. If there was anyone in the ruins, he would not be able to see it under any circumstances. Amr Ayyar came to the basement of the ruins in an unseen state but he did not see anyone there. He also saw some pearls falling in the basement, so he grabbed them and picked them up. And then he looked around for more pearls, but he didn't find any more. He left the basement and went to other parts of the ruin to find such pearls from somewhere else, but after searching the whole ruin he could not find any more pearls,

Twenty two pearls I thought I would find thousands of such pearls. Amr Ayyar said making a face. Since no one was there, he took Soleimani's clock from his shoulders and wrapped it and put it back in the zanbeel. He was about to return from the ruins when suddenly he heard a loud scream.