
In any case, I will do justice to myself and to her because I am not a cruel and ruthless but as a queen. I do not like to do injustice to anyone. The queen fairy said that Amr Ayyar's face became so calm that he would be given a chance to speak and clean himself, otherwise it seemed to him that the queen fairy had killed him without listening to him or that he would be buried forever. Will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

The order of the Queen. The four jinns said together and then two jinns moved towards the body of Prince Magan while two jinns came towards Omar and Ayyar. One of them grabbed Amr Ayyar by the shoulders and the other Jin came to Amr Ayyar's feet.

They both picked up Amr Ayyar and then they took Amr Ayyar and disappeared. Darkness fell before Amr Ayyar's eyes. It was as if two jinns were lifting him up and flying in the air with lightning speed. It is accompanied by strong winds

sound was also heard. For a long time he felt himself flying in the air with these jinns, then he felt as if the speed of the giants had slowed down and they were lifting him down from the heights. In a short time, Amr and Ayyar felt as if he was being laid on the ground. There was darkness before his eyes. The darkness wasn't so great that it could not be extinguished. The two jinn had laid him down on the ground and probably retreated. '' what is this place. Amr Ayyar said nothing. Probably those who laid him down and returned. "hmmmmmm. If they had to go, they should have freed me from these chains. If I lie down like this, my whole body will be left out. What can I do now? " Amr Ayyar said exaggerating in the world of trouble. There is someone. Someone is listening to my voice. anybody here''.

Amr Ayyar shouted this time, but this time too he did not get any answer.

When Amar Ayyar suddenly thought of being a bodyguard, he called for Zanbeel gurdian . "Order him to came." At that moment, the sound of Zanbeel's gurdian was heard. any order my lord. He was afraid that even if Zanbeel's bodyguard Bona (dwarf) could not answer him due to some compulsion, what would he do? Brat You see my condition. I am bound in chains. Get out of the zanbeel immediately. Amr Ayyar said angrily. "The order, sir. I will come out of the zanbeel right now."

A dwarf's voice was heard. he came out empty handed you fool. Why didn't you bring a night lamp diamond with you ... ۔ Amr Ayyar made a face and said.

"You didn't order me to bring a night lamp diamond " If ordered, I would bring it out of the

heard the voice of ________ being the protector. ۔ "Go." Hurry up and get the night lamp diamond out of the zanbeel. I am terrified of this terrible darkness. I feel as if I have been tied up and thrown into a dark grave. Amr Ayyar said in a frightened tone. "It simply came to our notice then. You are really in the grave. Amr Ayyar was confused when he heard the voice of being protector.

What? what does it mean . Are you telling the truth I'm really in a grave. " _____ Amr Ayyar said in a frightened tone.

"Yes, come on." This is the grave of Chah Qaf's world which they call the prison of hell. The guard dwarf replied. "Hey, . What kind of queen is this that has put me in a living grave instead of a prison ... Amr Ayyar said.

"That queen is not a fairy, nor is this Qaf, the state of Mount Qaf." Amr Ayyar was shocked to hear the voice of the protector.( author note I am going to call zanbeel guardian dwarf the protector)