end of the instructions

You will enter into talismans. If you do not perform these talismans and die in these talismans, then the person accompanying you will perish in this talismans too. In that case, if that person dies in this talisman, you will have to die with him. The Emperor Afrasiab and the Queen were astonished by the magic spirit. What? what does it mean . I did not get it''. Emperor Afrasiab

Said in a surprised tone. "As soon as you enter into tactical talismans, you and his souls will become one . If you fail in your magic, it will result in death. If you die, the person in the other talisman with you will also have to die, and if that person dies after failing in his talisman, then you will also have to die with him. In tactical talismans, you both have to achieve success in any case, otherwise death will come to both of them. Only death ... The emperor Afrasiab and the queen of wonder face changed the color when tactical spirit said. They looked at each other with fearful eyes. "How are these talismans like this, sir, that the failure of one human being has to be borne by another human being in the form of death?" The queen said in a surprised tone. These talismans I made were such that no one could reach my treasures and even look at them. ۔ The tactical spirit said. So can't it be that I can go alone in all the talismans? Emperor Afrasiab said licking his lips. no. Since I am dead, I cannot change these talismans. The talisman of well will remain the same and it will have to be dealt with as I have said. ۔ The tactical spirit answered. "Isn't it possible that if I do my share of three talismans, then I can go to the other three talismans and help this person and at the same time eliminate these talismans?" Emperor Afrasiab said. no . You have to finish the three talismans of your share and the other man of his share ... The Tactical Spirit

Said "Is it even necessary that the other person be the one who killed hundreds of magicians and sorcerers?" The queen

wonder Magic asked. ''Yes. I have told you that no change is possible in these talismans. So everything will be the same as I am saying; the tactical spirit growled. If i am ... ۔ In the last talisman of death, me and other human conquer the talisman . what If that man gets that crown, then ________ Emperor Afrasiab said after some thought. In the last talisman, if you want, you can kill this man, Afrasiab. As soon as you reach the treasure well with this man, you will kill him and get all my treasure including the emperor's crown. It is my wish that you get that treasure yourself. ... The Samaritan spirit said that the face of Emperor Afrasiab was so bright that the Samaritan spirit had said something in his favor. "Okay, come on. Since you have said that no change is possible in these talismans and these talismans have to be performed in the same way as you made them centuries ago then nothing really can be done. I'm ready to go into these talismans . But I do not understand where to find a man who has fought and killed hundreds of sorcerers and hundreds of sorcerers. ______ Emperor Afrasiab said.

"I will help you in this regard." The queen was astonished and the emperor Afrasiab looked at her in shock. When Queen Heerat Jadu pointed to Emperor Afrasiab in a specific way, Emperor Afrasiab understood that Queen Heerat Jadoo knew of a man she did not want to talk to in front of a tactical spirit, so she told him about it. I am currently telling you to be quiet.

"Wouldn't you tell me something about these talismans, what kind of talismans they are and what dangers I might face there?" Emperor Afrasiab changed his mind and said

no. You will know about tactical talismans only after entering the talismans, what they are and what is not there. About tactical talismans you will know only after entering the talismans what are there and what dangers are not there. The Samaritan spirit said

But how will I know about the talisman-breaker method of these talismans, said Emperor Afrasiab. The guardians of talismans will somehow appear and inform you about the breaking of talismans. When the tactical spirit answered, Emperor Afrasiab fell silent. Ok sir You have allowed me to go into your spells and destroy them. That is enough for me. I will see for myself what those talismans are and how to destroy them. " Emperor Afrasiab said. I'll give you the ring, take it. " The tactical spirit said

The spirit said and then he took something off the finger of his reflective being and bounced towards the emperor Afrasiab. Emperor Afrasiab immediately swallowed the remnant of the tactical spirit in the air. He saw that it was a ring made of bone with a skull. "Take this ring and put it to any lake in the world." The lake will disappear and in its place will appear the well into which you will jump and enter into tactical magic talismans. Take another person and jump into the well as soon as possible because the well will only appear for three moments and then disappear. Even then, I will not be able to help you find this well. " _______ The Samaritan spirit said that at the same time he took off the skull placed on his head and placed it on the crucible, then his red eyes went out. On the other hand, the image turned into black smoke and the smoke started making waves back to the skull and as soon as it was seen, it penetrated into the skull and disappeared. Emperor Afrasiab and Queen wonder Jadu took a deep breath and then they both moved towards the throne room. for further plans