Asking the two girls!

"They must be asleep now, try to convince them tomorrow!" Cain said as he lay back on his bed. Alice was just there staring at him.

"It's a one-way, I can't return now!" Alice couldn't go back even if she wanted! The ling is a one-way that teleported her to Cain's location, she can't teleport back. Add the fact she never left the mansion, she didn't know the way back either!

'Are we stuck? I don't want to walk her to the mansion, it's too far away!' Cain thought. He took another look at Alice.

Her black wings were extending from her back even though she is wearing clothes, her tail was out as well. 'Can't she fly there?'

"How about you fly there? Those wings have a purpose!" He asked pointing at her wings.

Alice did try to fly inside her room but wasn't able to do it, her wings were strong enough to carry her but she lacked control and practice! It also was exhausting, even if she had become a devil, her weak body stayed the same!