Getting back like an old man.

Cain quickly shifted his mind toward the current time, Jack was dead and his problem have ended.

"Let's focus on buying some time to work with, as long as we don't make a fuss about this he will have no way of retaliating," Cain said while leaning on the couch, his side started to feel numb and his thighs burned. Just sitting for a long time on this leather couch was too much for his failing body.

"You're right, he can't just say 'they killed my assassins who infiltrated their land.' "Leon said as he took a sip from his tea. "Let's play the waiting game, it will be to our advantage to have him make the first public move."

Cain is starting to dream about his soft bed, this conversation must end here. Just thinking about having to make it back home is enough to ruin his mood.

"That's right, I will then leave the rest in your hand as I need to recover. It must be clear to you I'm not in the best of my conditions." Cain said as he stood up reliving his backside.