Hunting the Gorgons

Cain quickly jumped from his horse and started running toward the gorgon. 'Its skin is made of hard iron, I can't slice it in one go as I did with the Cobra. My wrist would snap if I tried' Thinking of the best way to kill the gorgon.

'I can't just hit it with lightning from afar as I will end up burning its delicious meat, I have to kill it carefully' Cain at that time was dual-wielding swords, one was his regular sword and the second was the one he conjured with [Elemental weapon]

"Hold up, it's dangerous to go alone!" One of the soldiers chased after Cain to assist him in the battle. The other one sighed as he pulled his bow and started aiming. "I don't think that my arrows would help but I will try."

the gorgon mooed loudly as it saw them getting closer, a green fume started rising from his nostrils as he gouged the ground with his hooves. Its voice echoed through the forest where another two emerged, the gorgon wasn't alone, there were three of them.