The golden night before the madness.

After taking the bath and having a light dinner at Lexi's house, Cain retreated with the girls to his tower. Just as always, it was hard to sleep for him. Being surrounded by six women, of which three of them were naked, kept him on the edge.

"Are you really alright? You aren't getting exhausted are you?" Cain asked Alice as she was still in her human form due to Lexi's presence.

"I'm alright," Alice flexed her arm, "I can keep going for more now that I leveled up!" She smiled. Cain knew that her increased Wisdom will allow her to last longer.

Wisdom is the casting ability of clerics and druids and others who rely on religious and spiritual beliefs. Charisma is the casting ability for bards and sorceresses as they use their will to influence the world. Intelligence is the spellcasting ability of mages and artificers who use their intellect to calculate and create magic.

With the increase in her spellcasting ability, she should be able to use her shapeshift for longer.