The girls against Kayden

[Demon will sword] Kayden's most powerful spell, allows him to strike five targets simultaneously. With his [Triple slash] martial skill he can send three slashes at each target.

He was aiming three at Selena, Three at Cain, three at Alice, Three at Sofia, and three at Gracie. 'It's over, even if some of them survived, I will surely kill the white-haired one.' Kayden thought as he swung his blade down.

[Counter spell] in a single moment, Kayden's body appeared before his sword could gain speed. Two glowing blue eyes stared at him from underneath Alice's hands.

'He was still conscious?' Kayden tightened the grip on his sword, swinging ever so faster. Even if his spell was canceled he still had his one strike, it was far from over.

"You die here!" He growled [Triple slash].