
Cain woke up that night being strapped on the bed, his whole body covered in bandages. They couldn't return on Zaleria's back in their condition, they would just fall off.

His whole body was screaming in pain, it was one thing getting cut while fighting but now that he relaxed, he could feel the pain a lot better.

"You're awake, how do you feel." A voice called him from the side, as he looked it was Zaleria.

"Horrible, where are the rest?" He asked, he can't remember a lot after canceling Kayden's magic.

"Injured but alive, they seem to have pulled through after you passed out." She smiled, "That bi'ch brought two death knights with her, they managed to give her an escape route."

"You talking about Morena? She is a necromancer after all, how did those two death knights look?" Cain only remembered her to be able to summon one.