Changing memories II

'We have to give her new memories, otherwise, she will not be able to recover.' Cain thought as he looked down at Gracie. 'The moment she tries to smile, her mind reacts and freezes her expression. The same way you flinch to protect your eyes, she does that to protect herself.'

After he saw her memories and completely understood what she went through, how her problem was. It was sad that there is no magic to heal her instantly, her only way out is to face her fears and stride forward. She's a strong woman and he knows she can achieve that.

"We can stop whenever you want, if you ever wanted me to stop just say it. But I urge you to face your fears and hold in." Cain said and waited for Gracie to nod, her face relayed no expression but Cain knew she was nervous, scared even.

To start it slow, he began by taking her shoes off. Being careful not to stab himself as they were dangerous weapons. Standing back again, he undid the straps on her back.