What Kayden knew

Kayden started telling what he knew about the Fenrir village. The more Cain listened the more he got worried. Apparently, the beast god has a daughter that he was hiding.

The Fenrir village almost went into chaos when the news was revealed; the girl was definitely the beast god's daughter as she had his Mana. However, unlike him, she only had a single tail which was a sign of her unclean blood.

The other Fenrir took it as a sign of him cheating on his wife with other races. Even though his wife said she gave birth to the girl, they didn't believe her.

That had caused conflict in the village which had now become the interest of many people. From which was Meliliana wanted to use this opportunity to infiltrate the village, she said that even if Morena failed, the others won't go down as easily as her.

Kayden confirmed that Morena was working in the interest of the dragon king, she wasn't acting on her own whims all the time.