Relaxing in the evening.

They finished the bath right when Selena finished telling her story. "What happened to Rahana?" Asked Cain. He has not seen any cat girl in the bandit camp.

Selena waved her tail, "I don't know, haven't seen or smelled her since we were separated." Her ears dropped.

"They must have sold her before I came. We might be able to meet her again in the future." Said Cain. He did not know that he already killed her in the camp.

Selena stood up, "Let's head back, they might be getting worried." She said. Cain stared at her back. "Yeah, we best get back." He sounded a bit sad.

After changing clothes, they got out.

The rain had stopped outside and the sun was shining down. "Come closer, I will teleport us back to the village." Said Cain.

Selena hugged his side tightly. She disliked the feeling of getting teleported.

Cain and Selena appeared directly in front of her house. Her father was sitting at the door waiting for them. "What took you so long?" He asked.