The Earth Dragon

~Zaleria, Kayden, Selena, Rieth, and Hati are going to take the front. Guildmaster Alen and I will support you. Sofia never engages in close combat, as you cannot survive a single hit. Alice will heal the beast god while Gracie will keep an eye on her. Remember that our enemy is a level 40 dragon, a single wrong move can mean instant death~ This was the sum of Cain's plan, just them buying time until the beast god can recover. They could also go for the kill if the earth dragon was badly injured.

The Rift cracked and emitted bright light.

"He's coming, get ready!" Cain screamed as he got his spells ready.

Hati's eyes opened wide when she saw a brown-skinned, topless man walk out.

The man was tall standing at almost 7 feet. His arms are covered in brown scales. Two dark brown, thick horns peeked from his head. Crocodile-like spins ran through his back and down to the tip of his thick and scaly tail.