From the Kitchen to the Bath

"That isn't an excuse. I will have you tied down to a tree!" Alice jumped to grab Elsie.

"Gracie do something!" Elsie called Gracie, she was probably the only one with enough power to save her.

"Lady Alice I have a rope," Gracie handed a rope to Alice immediately. Elsie didn't even know where she was hiding such a thing.

Realizing that her chances have diminished, Elsie cried "Look at him, do you want him to look like that at the wedding?"

Alice looked back at Cain and wondered what she should do.

"Even Sebas has commented that Master shouldn't be eating in the kitchen but in the dining hall. He is technically a noble now and it's your duty to make sure he acts the part!" Elsie kept pushing forward.

Marriage between commoners and nobles is not a new thing. It is widely spread throughout the kingdom. When a noble marry a commoner, it is the noble duty to assure the commoner act as a noble to not disgrace the family.