Knocked Out, Planing for the Future

'He was using magic to directly increase his physical capabilities, just [Lesser Empowerment] or my [Enchanting]'

"This can't be right, it should be impossible as a human. That is like asking someone to increase their blood flow at will." Cain mumbled.

"What are you talking about?" Zaleria poked his back.

"He was using magic to increase his body strength. That should be impossible for a human." Cain replied with a serious face. The only reasonable explanation other than his father using physical enchantment is being demonized. That is an explanation he rather not think about.

"You said it's like controlling blood flow, that isn't impossible for humans. Just remembering an emotional scene can get your blood pumping and your heart racing." Zaleria said.

"I meant finer control, no matter how emotional you get, you can never control your heart rate or blood pressure," Cain argued.