Death by a thousand injuries.

Even though she was surprised by the sheer amount of wealth in front of her. Mei quickly got back to her senses and teleported everything to the maze.

"That was a chore, what now? Should we go back the same way?" Mei stared at them asking if she should teleport them as well.

"I hope that was the case, but we seem to have company," Chad said cracking his neck.

"They have been sneaking around like ants around the house for a while now. Probably we should visit them?" Zaleria licked her teeth, to her humans like that were no more than a light meal.

Mei quickly looked up and focused, she still couldn't feel anything. Were they hiding so well that only Zaleria and Chad could feel them?

"Could they be just normal people?" Mei asked with a worried face.

"No regular people could hide like this!" Zaleria growled as her eyes flashed red.