[Bonus chapter] In the Black Sea, Standing on the Prow.

Cain waited in the room thinking about what they are going to do after this. Spending some time with Marina was a must right now, after that they can start heading toward the capital.

To hasten things a bit, he can start traveling and then return to Ourals to spend time with Marina every so often. A day every five days should be enough.

There are two ways he can travel to the capital, the first one was to traditionally take a good old carriage and hit the ground with hooves. The second one was to ride Zaleria to the capital, a highway on a dragon's back would draw a lot of attention. From dragons that are.

The plan was to head to the capital, then take a boat to the elvish kingdom where he can meet Sylph once again.

Cain looked to the sky, what he hated the most was crossing the sea. It was filled with pirates, monsters, violent storms, and Kraken. He might even leave the girls in the capital and cross it alone and then just teleport them after.