After the Feast

Cain intended to leave for the capital right after the feast was done. That was the plan Alice was working with when preparing for the wedding.

"This was a chore," Said Sebas with a smile, "Now all we need is an heir, should I start preparing his room now?" Sebas asked.

"Stop joking, having a kid while we're adventuring is just asking for problems," Cain said as he was carrying multiple tables with [Telekinesis]

"Don't worry about that part, I here shall make they grew to be responsible." Sebas gripped his cane tightly, "As my grandfather, and father did to the Furberg family before." He adds.

"I won't mind you hitting my children, it's a cruel world where going out for a walk might end up with you being kidnapped or eaten by a monster." Cain said staring at the fading sun, "The girls have a different opinion though, they say to raise them carefully and safely." Cain said with a worried face.