The Hut of a witch

When the next morning came, Cain was feeling a bit sore. For some reason, Gracie and Alice together were enough to drain more than he could handle. He guess the reason was that they can switch and rest while he had to be active all the time.

Zaleria had said they are going to her hut today, he remembers that place well. It's called Hut since all witches call their home/base like that. But that place was more than that, it was the lair of a red dragon after all.

Now that Cain know that Zaleria was a red dragon, he could guess what was hidden in the locked cave and the steel basement. The outside is just a shell while the real lair should be underground.

As everyone woke up and got ready, they hopped back onto Zaleria's back. After about an hour of flight, she landed and started running. She then suddenly stooped in the middle of nowhere.

"We need it, it's designed so no large creature can enter," Zaleria said as she urged them to get down from her back.