Discovering the hidden

Cain laid Isbert on her bed. Looking upon her sleeping face he could feel that the cold magic has weakened but is quickly regaining strength.

"Whatever gave her this power, he wasn't able to finish the process so she ended up with it being difficult to control," Cain said looking at her.

"Is there a way to control it?" Baltos stood beside Cain.

"If it was me I would have already controlled it, but she is lacking the knowledge and experience. Imagine it like trying to ride a violent warhorse."

"This is far ahead of what the other doctors that inspected her said." Baltos sighed.

"What did they say?"

"A lot. Some said she was incurable, some said she was cursed, and some even said she was perfectly fine. Those who tried treating her all ended failing and some even froze to death."

Cain thought about it for a moment, "Let me get someone here."