In the deep Sea

Just with a single look at the guildmaster, Cain could tell something was off. There was weird magic waving around him that he recognized well.

"Damn, this is might be more complicated than we thought. It explains the guild's downfall." Cain said as the guild master was taken into an interrogation room.

Instead of torture or questioning, Cain kept the guild master knocked out with sleep as he asked the guards to provide him with a sharp knife and some clean clothes.

"Please, this isn't for the faint of hearts." Everyone left beside King Baltos and Noel, Chad went to pick up the other girls.

"What are you doing?" Noel asked with a curious face, was this a secret torture technique that he knew of?

"Healing him, more like fixing I say." Cain reached with the knife to the man's eye, masterfully removing it from the socket while not damaging the nerves behind.