Back to the capital.

Izabella and Cassius reached the balcony, "Is that them in the garden? What are those little things doing?"

"They have spread their forces a bit too much around all the city, all that remained here is their royal guard and some new recruits," Cassius replied.

"Their queen told me, she seems to be able to converse with animals so my friends here vouched for me. Let's get down and help them." Cassius pointed toward a group of pixies that were fighting.

"It will take us a long time to run down there," Izabella said. She was the one slowing Cassius down.

"They will give us a ride, jump!" Cassius leaped from the balcony and one of the vultures caught him. Izabella did the same.

The two of them dropped right above the attacking believers. Izabella took the man she fell down on in a single precise stab to the neck. Cassius only knocked one down.

The vultures immediately tore the man Cassius knocked inside out. In the meantime, Izabella finished the rest as if they were nothing.