A failed attempt

As Sofia kept pushing the bugbears into the forest, she got surrounded by hordes of goblins and kobolds. "Where is the big one?" Sofia could sense a strong presence around, that thing was probably the monster causing all of this mess.

After a few minutes of mowing the monsters, she finally spotted a big moving thing in the distance. Using [Burning feet] she rushed in for a quick kill.

As soon as she got close she notice it was a giant bear, she became disappointed. 'Those monsters don't have the needed intelligence to cause this, this isn't him." Sofia immediately froze the bear in place and destroyed his corpse with a fireball.

Thud! Standing to have a closer look, she noticed that the corpse didn't freeze all the way inside, the bear organs were still steaming. The monster was too big for her to freeze him whole instantly.

'I should push deeper.' She thought following the presence she sensed before.