Selena's bloody hunt II

Thud! Selena started rushing between the monster's swinging her claws left and right. She was using her ultimate weapon, her powerful nose.

'I can smell it, the big one sitting behind.' She glared at a hole in the wall.

Twisting her torso and running on all four ignoring the monsters. Selena leaped into the hole and followed it to the end.

Upon getting out, she saw the massive titanic cobra-like monster with a woman's upper torso.

~I can't appraise it from here but the magic close to you belongs to an Echidna. Be wary, she has high dexterity and strength and should be ranging in the 25-realm.~ Cain called Selena to warn her.

"How do I kill her-nya," Selena asked.

The Echidna moved slightly.

~Use message at least. Anyway, she should die like a normal human or a snake, go for the head and heart. But if you needed help, Gracie is there and she could finish it off easily.~