A deal with the monster

Cain transformed into the abominable chimera, "Today it ends, I shall make sure you never rise again."

~Cain, we got the phylactery. Dispater ran away before we could finish him~ A message reached him from Ariel, the hell mission was a success.

Cain did know that the lord of the second Layer Dis, Dispater had a unique ability. Ironfication is the ability to turn anything he touches into pure iron.

That was the bulk of his strength, and luckily it was useless against those three he sent. Ariel was an angel with high resistance and she could fight at full power in hell. Kayden has fast regeneration and is a demon, he could survive having an arm petrified. And lastly his father Chad, such a status effect wouldn't work on him.

"Die!" Morena growled breathing a blast of acid on Cain's chimera.

[Telekinesis] the breath goes deflected with an invisible force. Tentacles rushed from Cain's lower torso and tied Morena down. The more she struggled, the tighter he squished her.