A surprise to the mages

Chad Leaped backward with a flip as spears of flame rushed toward him. BAM! Flipping over and over, he dodged the spears one after the other. BAM! BOM! BAM! BOM! BAM! BOM! BAM! BOM! BAM! BOM!

Thud! After the last flip, he flew to the top of one of the houses and stared at the mages.

CRACKLE! Two appeared on each of his sides with a burst of lightning. CRACK! The mage at the left released a blast of flames from his staff white the other released a stone spike.

Using his bare hands, Chad smashed the stone spike and snuffed the flames. The two mages gasped seeing their magic get stopped like that.

PAT! A third mage touched Chad's back [Teleport]

The scenery in front of Chad changed. He was on the ground and falling upside down. In the same instant, ahead of him one of the mages threw his staff roaring.

"AWOOOOOO!" Fur covered his body, his nose became longer like a snout and his palms became bigger. As the sharp claws became appeared, the mage's true nature surfaced. A werewolf.