
Ishtar gulped down, bringing her hands together and screaming. "Die!" She released a blast of spirit magic toward Sylph.

CRACK! In the blink of an eye. A towering great tree rose from the ground reaching the sky. Its massive trunk easily tanked the blow.

Sylph smiled standing on one of the branches, "Are sure about this? Wasting your magic like this?"

Ishtar then realized that the air was dry, and she has nothing to feast upon. This elvish woman has devoured everything in sight.

Sylph flicked her fingers, the branch morphed into a throne that she sat on looking down upon Ishtar. "When two spirit mages fight, it's always determined by who can command the natural world better. The more you are attuned to plants, water, and earth, the more powerful you get."

Ishtar wasn't listening. Flying directly toward Sylph with a raging face, her body burning with what spirit magic remained in her. The moment she approached Sylph, the tree branches easily caught her.