A wild night I

Back to Cain, he has already enslaved Ishtar and her guard. This was a necessary step to assure they won't turn at him. Ishtar was able to handle her own against him after all, he would be stupid not to enslave her when he got the chance to do it.

Cain looked across the bed, Mei was sitting there staring at him. The guard was slowly waking up and Ishtar was fully awake and awaiting her 10000MP orb.

Cain flexed his back and stared down at Ishtar. "Here, I will give you the orb." Cain conjured her reward but she sat still, awaiting him to hand it over. Seeing her act like that on her own told him that she was starting to understand how to act a little bit.

He handed her the orb. She grabbed it in her hand, drooling. Her eyes glowed as she hesitated to take the bite. For a moment she stared at Cain and Mei, "Can I do it?" she asked with a worried face.