An emergency search mission

"Another one…" Mei mumbled looking down, she was still confused as to what Alva meant. She then quickly stared back at Alva. Bump! Pushing her face with her feet, Mei growled, "Let him use your butthole, not mine…"

Alva kept pushing, "Come on. Please, Lady Mei…Just this time…" As the two argued, I was staring at Ishtar who seemed to be just waking up from her trance.

"My Head…" She growled scratching her head and staring at me.

"How do you feel? Do you remember anything?" I asked trying to gauge her situation.

She nodded standing up and approaching the bed. Quickly stealing a glance at the two arguing behind me. "Yeah, a bit hazy but I do…I was a bit overtaken by desire that's all." She sat beside me.

I smiled, "How was it, the orb? Was it delicious or not?" Well, I need to know what the customer feels.